RHH's photos with the keyword: puget

Admiralty Head Lighthouse

02 Feb 2009 393
Part of Fort Casey State Park on Whidbey Island.

Fort Casey

02 Feb 2009 372
Fort Casey is one of a series of coastal defense forts built on Puget Sound. It is now part of Fort Casey State Park on Whidbey Island and looks out over Admiralty Inlet.

Starfish, Larrabee State Park

Mt. Baker from Orcas Island

09 Feb 2009 330
Taken from Mount Constitution on Orcas Island looking east across Puget Sound.

"The Lonely Sea and the Sky"

06 Apr 2009 1 276
Larrabee Sate Park, Northwest Washington.


07 Apr 2009 5 1 492
Best viewed in a large size.

Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains

22 Aug 2011 1 321
This view is from Fort Ebey State Park on Whidbey Island while we were there last spring on a camping trip with a group of young people. Fort Ebey is one of a number of coastal forts on Puget Sound built in the late 1800's and during World War II that are now State Parks. During our camping trip we not only camped in Fort Ebey State Park but visited Forts Casey and Fort Worden, the latter across the Sound. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2011/07/fort-ebey-f...

Penn Cove Sunrise

22 Sep 2011 1 287
In Explore September 21, 2011, #309. Penn Cove lies on the east side of Whidbey Island in Puget Sound. The mountains in the distance are the North Cascades and the pier is for fishing boats. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2011/09/olympic-nat...

Whale Watching

26 Oct 2011 1 472
Toward the end of the summer we had one of our grandsons staying with us for several weeks and we took him whale-watching. We had hoped to see Orcas, but the three or four pods of Orcas that frequent Puget Sound had all headed out to sea. We did see, however, two Humpbacks and these pictures are all of them. They spent the time surfacing and diving every five or ten minutes. It was not the easiest to get pictures from the deck of a moving boat, and this are the best I was able to do. None of the pictures were worth posting alone, so I decided to put them together in a collage, but apologize for its deficiencies. I do so little editing of my photos that I had to find out on line how to put this together and that it is a rather amateurish attempt, I freely acknowledge. We left from Anacortes and were gone for nearly six hours, having had to travel quite a distance to investigate the reports of these two whales. We did see also some porpoises, a couple of Minke Whales, eagles, and sea lions, the latter at Mermaid Rock. All-in-all it was a great day and what the pictures lack in technical excellence they make up in preserving memories of the day. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2011/11/whale-watch...

Lonicera ciliosa

14 Mar 2012 2 324
In Explore March 13, 2012, #110. These are the berries of the Orange Honeysuckle, Lonicera ciliosa, that is native to Washington State. The berries are soft and red when fully mature and are "edible but not often used as food." These were photographed on the edge of the woods at Warm Beach Camp on Puget Sound near Stanwood.

Pelagic Cormorant

30 May 2012 2 419
We were on a camping trip May 23-25 with a group of 6-8th graders and while with them went as foot passengers on the ferry to Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. While waiting for the ferry to leave I tried to get pictures of the cormorants who were nesting on the docking pilings and flying back and forth to the water. This was the best of the in-flight shots that I was able to get. I am reasonably certain of the identification but am willing to be corrected. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/09/deception-p...