RHH's photos with the keyword: papilio


26 Jun 2020 13 4 99
These Swallowtails were feeding on this animal scat. We rode right over them with the car and they did not move. There were as many as seven of them feeding at the same time.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

26 Jun 2020 29 13 174
Photographed near the Forty Mile Point Lighthouse on Lake Huron's shore, this, I believe, is an Eastern Tiger Swwallowtail.

Anise Swallowtail

04 May 2020 33 17 152
Photographed at Hog Lake in eastern Washington, I've identified this butterfly as an Anise Swallowtail. It is feeding from a flower of Arrowleaf Balsamroot.

Pale Swallowtail

23 Dec 2019 11 5 128
This butterfly, if I am not mistaken, is a Pale Swallowtail, photographed near our home in eastern Washington.

Pale Swallowtail

14 Sep 2019 10 3 149
This Pale Swallowtail was photographed in the fields near our home. It was very active but stayed in the same area and visited the same flowers and patience finally paid off.

Pale Swallowtail

23 Dec 2019 34 16 233
This is, I believe, a Pale Swallowtail Butterfly, though I have difficulty telling the different Swallowtails apart. It was photographed near our home.

Pale Swallowtail

14 Sep 2019 13 3 169
This Pale Swallowtail was photographed near our home. It was very active but seemed to be patrolling a limited area and so I was able to get some photos.

Pale Swallowtail

14 Sep 2019 27 17 247
If I am not mistaken this is a Pale Swallowtail. It was photographed in the fields near our home. The photos required a lot of patience since the butterfly moved around a lot but it seemed to stay in the same area, so I did get some photos.

Western Swallowtail

14 Aug 2018 24 11 333
I thought this to be a Pale Swallowtail but Pam has corrected that ID to a Western Swallowtail. It was photographed on a morning walk near our home.

Pale Swallowtail

31 Jul 2018 10 2 265
This Pale Swallowtail was photographed near Berg Lake while we were hiking and backpacking there. It is one of several Swallowtails found in the western USA and Canada.

Ulysses Butterfly

27 Jul 2016 40 25 523
This is Papilio ulysses, the Ulysses Butterfly, photographed in the town of Millaa Millaa. In this photo only the undersides of his wings are visible. The brilliant blue of his upper sides can be seen in the inset.

Ulysses Butterfly

13 Jun 2016 41 29 578
This beautiful butterfly was photographed in the town of Millaa Millaa in the Atherton Highlands of northern Queensland. We've seen quite a few of them but this is the only one that rested long enough for a photo.

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail

02 Dec 2013 9 7 1015
We had stopped at a riverside near Dunster, British Columbia, when this picture was taken. There were numerous Tiger Swallowtails feeding from the mud by the riverside and several, like this one, on the plants nearby. They were oblivious to our presence and allowed us to get as many pictures as we wanted.

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail

21 Nov 2013 24 5 936
We were hunting for Lady's Slippers when we stopped along a river near Dunster, British Columbia, and found these Swallowtails drinking from the very mud along the river. They were so intent on what they were doing that our presence did not even disturb them. There were a few of them on the nearby plants as well and the photo below was taken at the same time.

Psychopsis Kalihi

03 Jan 2012 473
In Explore January 3, 2012, #278. There are four species in the genus Psychopsis and they are often referred to as "butterfly orchids," though from this perspective the flower looks more to me like a maid with a huge, frilly skirt. This is a hybrid of two of the species, Psychopsis krameriana and Psychopsis papilio. The flowers are very large, 15-20 cm tall, with long narrow segments that look a lot like the antennae of a butterfly, just visible at the top of this flower. They bloom successively on flower spikes that are many feet in length. The plant is far too large for me and this flower was photographed at the Mount Baker Orchid Society show in 2011. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2011/03/mount-baker-orchi...

Western Tiger Swallowtail

10 Sep 2012 2 1 459
Photographed at Lake Elizabeth, a small alpine lake in the North Cascades and a favorite place for scenery, for native orchids, and for other wildflowers. The road up to the lake, a Forest Service road that is quite rough in places is about seven miles and this was taken near the beginning of the road. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/08/lake-elizab...

Western Tiger Swallowtail

05 Feb 2013 1 1 510
Another photograph from Lake Elizabeth, but taken earlier in the summer and on a better day than the previous photos. The Western Tiger Swallowtail is Papilio rutulus. In eastern North America it is replaced by the very similar Papilio glaucus, the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/08/lake-elizab...