RHH's photos with the keyword: highway 5

Highway 5, British Columbia

12 Jul 2009 1 232
We've been away from home for the past couple of weeks in Canada visiting family in Edmonton and backpacking in the Canadian Rockies. This is a photo from our trip up to Edmonton following the North Thompson River from Kamloops to Tete Jaune Cache.

Columbia Lily (Lilium columbianum)

12 Jul 2009 1 2 412
In Explore July 11, 2009, #138. We found these growing in profusion along Highway 5 in British Columbia on the way to Edmonton, along with many other wildflowers including several species of wild orchids.

Tall White Bog Orchid (Platanthera dilatata var. d…

14 Jul 2009 1 322
In Explore July 13, 2009, #195. Photographed along Highway 5 in British Columbia north of the town of Clearwater and the North Thompson Provincial Park where we found it in scattered groups in the wetter areas along the west side of the highway. In taking photos we discovered also that this orchid is very fragrant with a strong spicy odor.

Slender Bog Orchid (Platanthera stricta)

Green Bog Orchid (Platanthera huronensis)

15 Jul 2009 1 303
In Explore July 14, 2009, #450. We found these wherever we went in the mountains of British Columbia and Alberta. They were often growing among plants of the Tall White Bog Orchid and seemed to vary considerably in the size of the plant and number of flowers.

Columbia Lily (Lilium columbianum)

17 Jul 2009 1 358
In Explore July 16, 2009, #349. Photographed along Highway 5 (South Yellowhead Highway) in British Columbia, where they were growing all over.

Large Yellow Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium parviflor…

18 Jul 2009 1 345
This variety of the Yellow Lady's Slipper is very fragrant, adding to its appeal. It is a smaller flower and plant generally than the other variety, but no less beautiful for that. We found these growing both as individual plants and in large clumps.

Round-leaf Orchis (Amerorchis rotundifolia)

19 Jul 2009 1 369
In Explore July 18, 2009, #200. Photographed near Tete Jaune Cache, but we found these growing in many different locations.

Mountain Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium montanum)

20 Jul 2009 1 342
In Explore July 19, 2009, #463. This Lady's Slipper is becoming more and more difficult to find so we were very fortunate to see these on our recent Canadian trip. When we traveled to Mount Robson Provincial Park several weeks ago we came from Edmonton and forgot the time change (Mount Robson is on Pacific Time and Edmonton on Mountain Time). Thus we arrived at Mount Robson several hours before the Visitors' Center opened (where we had to sign in for our week's backpacking trip). We remembered, however, that the lady who gave us directions for finding the Yellow Lady's Slippers had mentioned that there were White Lady's Slippers growing near the town of Dunster about 30 miles to the west, though she said she thought they were already finished. We decided to take a chance and drove to Dunster where we found a whole hillside covered with them in full bloom. The hillside was very steep and muddy and we got ourselves very dirty, but managed to get some decent photos. These are what we saw.

Mountain Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium montanum)

22 Jul 2009 1 338
Another closer picture of the Lady's Slipper I posted a couple of days ago.

Listera borealis (Northern Twayblade)

25 Jul 2009 1 451
Berg Lake Trail, Mount Robson Provincial Park, British Columbia.