RHH's photos with the keyword: clallam

Mount Adams

10 Aug 2009 1 373
Two weeks ago we went to Mount Saint Helens and Mount Adams. We had planned on doing some hiking at Mount Saint Helens, but were in the middle of heat wave and decided against the hiking. Instead we did some sight-seeing by car in the area of Mount Saint Helens and went on to Mount Adams where we did some orchid hunting. We didn't find the rare orchid we were looking for but did find several others including the species shown in the other pictures I've posted.

Hooded Ladies'-Tresses (Spiranthes romanzoffiana)

10 Aug 2009 1 397
These were photographed at Muddy Meadows on the north side of Mount Adams. We had been looking for the related but rarer species, the Northern Ladies'-Tresses (Spiranthes porrifolia), which we did not find, but did find this species. Published in the April, 2011, issue of Orchids, the magazine of the American Orchid Society, in an article titled, "Taking Aim."

Elephant's Head Lousewort (Pedicularis groenlandic…

11 Aug 2009 1 370
Photographed at Muddy Meadows in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest north of Mount Adams. Photographed by my wife.

Hooded Ladies'-Tresses (Spiranthes romanzoffiana)

10 Aug 2009 1 443
These orchids are named Ladies-Tresses on account of the arrangement of the flowers which spiral around the stem giving a braided look to the flower spikes.

Mount Adams from Muddy Meadows

11 Aug 2009 1 394
In Explore August 10, 2009, #434. Photograph taken by my wife. Mount Adams is one of a chain of active volcanos in the Cascade Range. In Washington these volcanos are Mount Baker, Glacier Peak, Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens and Mount Adams.

Hooded Ladies'-Tresses (Spiranthes romanzoffiana)

11 Aug 2009 1 395
A close-up of these jewel-like flowers. Photographed at Muddy Meadows in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest near Mount Adams.

Mount St. Helens Eruption Area and West End of Spi…

14 Aug 2009 1 452
Mount St. Helens is off to the left in this picture and the area shown is the area devastated by the collapse of the east side of the mountain and the mud and lava flows. The west end of Spirit Lake is barely visible in this shot, as it is still filled with the floating tree trunks that were blown into the lake by the eruption.

Blue Grouse (Dendragapus obscurus)

20 Aug 2009 1 1 409
Photo taken by my wife.

Lillian Ridge Trail

20 Aug 2009 1 386
Photo taken from the Lillian Ridge Trail as the rain and sleet moved in.

Sooty Grouse (Dendragapus fuliginosus)

20 Aug 2009 1 1 478
In Explore August 19, 2009, #369. Fool-On-The-Hill has confirmed the identity of this bird, but suggested that the Blue Grouse has now been separated into two species, the Dusky Grouse and Sooty Grouse. Thanks, friend. These birds seem very unafraid of humans and this one stood motionless at the side of road and allowed us to walk to within a few feet of it. This photo was taken by my wife.

Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National park

23 Aug 2009 1 320
Taken from the car park at the visitor's center on Hurricane Ridge, one of the most beautiful mountain drives anywhere when the weather is clear, and sometimes very beautiful even when the weather is not clear.

Blacktail Doe and Fawn (Odocoileus hemionus)

23 Aug 2009 3 1 587
This picture was taken out of the car window by my wife. We were on the Obstruction Point road southeast of Hurricane Ridge in the Olympics when we saw the deer along the the road. They showed little fear of the car or of us and even "posed" for a picture.

Elegant Piperia (Piperia elegans)

24 Aug 2009 1 373
This orchid was photographed in Olympic National Park at East Beach on Crescent Lake. It was one of the last native orchids to bloom during the summer.