RHH's photos with the keyword: geysers

West Thumb Geyser Basin

09 Dec 2019 8 120
The West Thumb Geyser Basin is on the lower west side of Yellowstone National Park and is a very active and beautiful area. The boardwalk through the geyser basin follows the shore of Yellowstone Lake for a short distance and shows off some of the lakeside hydrothermal features of the basin.

West Thumb Geyser Basin

09 Dec 2019 22 10 220
This is the West Thumb Geyser Basin and Lakeshore Geyser. West Thumb Geyser Basin is on the shore of Yellowstone Lake with some of the features such as this one in the lake itself. The geyser basin is one of the smaller basins but also one of the most interesting.

Lakeside Geyser

09 Dec 2019 16 2 175
This is Lakeside Geyser one of the hydrothermal features of the West Thumb Geyser Basin in Yellowstone. The geyser basin is small but interesting both for its activity and for its proximity to Yellowstone Lake.

Lakeside Geyser

09 Dec 2019 13 2 192
Lakeside Geyser is in the West Thumb Geyser Basin and on the shore of Yellowstone Lake. The geyser basin is very active and very beautifully situated. It is on the lower west side of Yellowstone National Park.

West Thumb Geyser Basin

09 Dec 2019 21 10 251
The west Thumb Geyser Basin is just to the northeast of the junction of the south entrance road with the Grand Loop Road in Yellowstone National Park. It is unique in that it is on the shore of Yellowstone Lake with some of its hydrothermal features in the lake. The boardwalk through the geyser area follows the shore of the lake for a short distance and these photos were taken from that boardwalk. The formations in this photo are of calcium carbonate and are the buildup of years of thermal activity.

West Thumb Geyser Basin

09 Dec 2019 13 2 154
The lake in the photo is Yellowstone Lake and this is the West Thumb area of the lake and the geyser basin there. That geyser basin is on the shore of the lake with some of its hydrothermal features in the lake.

West Thumb Geyser Basin

09 Dec 2019 11 2 166
This is the shore of Yellowstone Lake from the West Thumb Geyser Basin. The geyser basin is on the edge of the lake, its water flows into the lake and some of its features are in the lake. It is a remarkable place.

West Thumb Geyser Basin

09 Dec 2019 7 1 144
This photo was taken from the boardwalk through the West Thumb Geyser Basin and looks out over Yellowstone Lake. The geyser basin is on the shore of the lake and the boardwalk, for a short distance follows the meeting place of lake and geyser basin.The feature here is known as Fishing Cone, a small hot spring in the lake that is renowned, so the tale goes, for being a place to cook your fish while you are catching them.

Biscuit Basin

22 Oct 2017 24 18 676
This photo was taken in Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone National Park. The water is runoff from the springs and pools in the basin. The colors are the algae that grow in the hot water and the trees in the background have been killed by the water and its deposits.

Sunset, Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National…

Riverside Geyser, Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone…

12 Mar 2009 1 391
This has been for years one of the more regular and spectacular geysers in Yellowstone and is in the area of Old Faithful. The dead trees in these areas of thermal activity are killed by the steam and the chemicals, especially sulfur, with which the water is laden.

Biscuit Basin, Yellowstone National Park

12 Mar 2009 240
This is a steam vent where the steam and hot water have made these biscuit-like formations.

Morning Glory Pool, Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowston…

12 Mar 2009 1 254
These pools are very hot and dangerous, but it is the heat that determines the color. Different kinds of algae grow in the pools at different temperatures, as can be seen in this picture. The green, yellow and brown colors are all caused by different algae. This pool used to be brilliant blue, thus the name, but so many coins and so much other trash has been thrown in the pool over the years that the vent has been partially blocked and the temperature has changed and with it the color of the pool.

Roaring Mountain, Yellowstone National Park

12 Mar 2009 448
This area of thermal activity covers the side of a mountain, thus the name. The description from the National Park website describes it thus: "Roaring Mountain, located 4.5 miles north of Norris Geyser Basin, is a barren, furrowed, white ridge, rising 400 feet from the base. The mountain side is spotted with steam vents or fumaroles, and the fumaroles' vents are rimed with bright yellow, crystalline sulfur deposits. The leaching of sulfuric acid has produced the stark, barren environment."

Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park

12 Mar 2009 213
This picture was taken in 1979 when this area was very active. Since that time these terraces have become largely dormant, except at the very southern end, a good example of the ever-changing scenery at Yellowstone.

Geyser Runoff

29 Aug 2011 3 1 310
Taken by my wife, this picture shows the colored algae growing in the hot water that flows from the geysers and hot springs of Yellowstone National Park. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2011/10/yellowstone...