RHH's photos with the keyword: skyline

Sydney Opera House

18 Oct 2016 44 32 520
This was almost the last picture I took in Australia. After returning from the Blue Mountains I went to the roof of The Rocks Youth Hostel where we were staying and took some time exposures of the Harbor Bridge, the Opera House and Circular Quay. We were up early the next morning to catch our flight back home.

Sydney Harbor

10 Oct 2016 49 25 631
On the next to the last day of our Australia trip we walked the Harbor Bridge, from which this photo was taken, explored Circular Quay and the Opera House, saw some of the Botanical Gardens, visited Bondi Beach and walked the cliffs there. This was taken early in the day and shows the Opera House, Circular Quay and part of the skyline.

Brisbane at Night

11 Sep 2016 44 25 649
Taken from the lookout at Mount Coot-tha, this is the Brisbane skyline at night.

Brisbane from Mount Coot-Tha

01 Sep 2016 40 24 581
Mount Coot-tha is in the west suburbs of Brisbane and is a wonderful vantage point from which to see the city. We were several times to the lookout and cafe at the top of the mount and several times to the Brisbane Botanical Garden on the slopes of Mount Coot-tha. Brisbane was the focus of our trip to Australia because it was there our youngest son was married. His new wife is from Brisbane but has moved with him to the USA.

Vancouver Waterfront

05 Sep 2014 30 13 800
My apologies for not posting for several days. I've been busy repotting my orchids and cleaning my orchidarium - orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2013/06/rebuilt-orchidarium.html - something I needed to get done before colder weather and busier weeks arrive. This was taken last autumn on the Vancouver waterfront during a visit to Stanley Park.

Ellis Island, World Trade Towers and Brooklyn Brid…

Vancouver Skyline

Vancouver Skyline

Vancouver Skyline and Olympic Cauldron

19 Feb 2010 2 371
In Explore February 19, 2010, #117. Taken from Stanley Park, this photo shows the Vancouver waterfront with the Olympic Cauldron burning in the background. Thanks to everyone who has viewed and commented on these pictures. It is much appreciated.

Reflections #2

06 Feb 2010 1 227
Seattle skyline reflected and distorted in the windows of an office building.

Vancouver Waterfront and Olympic Cauldron

21 Feb 2010 1 1 364
In Explore February 21, 2010, #93. Taken from Stanley Park.

Olympic Interactive Light Show

17 Feb 2010 2 1 303
In Explore February 17, 2010, #11. One of the spectacles of the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver is this nightly light show with constantly changing patterns provided by people from all over the world and delivered over the Internet. Called "Vectorial Elevation," the display is considered to be one of the world's largest interactive artworks. Further information can be found at: www.ctvolympics.ca/about-vancouver/news/newsid=20625.html This picture was taken from the balcony of our daughter's apartment in the area of Vancouver General Hospital, and our son, Edward, has also posted a picture of this wonderful display at: www.flickr.com/photos/8686966@N02/4363488132/ . Viewed large even some of the stars can be seen.

Olympic Cauldron

Vancouver Skyline at Dawn

02 Jan 2011 3 3 325

Aircraft Carrier Intrepid

11 Sep 2011 237
This is the aircraft carrier Intrepid, now a floating museum in New York harbor.

Skyline Divide

02 Oct 2011 279
In Explore October 2, 2011, #356. On Friday the 23rd of September the weather was beautiful and my wife and I decided to take the rest of the afternoon off and do a little hiking. We drove up the Mount Baker Highway to the town of Glacier and just beyond took Dead Horse Road (don't ask me why it's named that) for 12 miles to the trailhead for Skyline Divide. The trail is a very popular one but we saw few other people even though we were on the trail for about three hours. The hike to the ridge is about 2 miles and we spent a lot of time taking photos on the way up. The wild flowers were incredible because of the very late spring (the snow was just off this trail) and we took 2 1/2 hours going up. The top of the ridge provided spectacular views of Mount Baker in the setting sun. We wanted to stay for the sunset, but did not want to come down in the dark and the mosquitoes were ferocious at the top, so we headed down and were back at the car in half an hour, by which time the sun was down and darkness was descending. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2011/12/skyline-div...

Sunlight and Shadow

19 Oct 2011 1 241
Hesitated in posting this - can't decide whether it's really of any use, but the contrast produced by the changing weather was intriguing. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2010/12/around-vanc...


11 Oct 2011 2 3 284
This was taken from the south side of False Creek. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2010/12/around-vanc...

20 items in total