RHH's photos with the keyword: american orchid society

Ascocenda Suk Sumran Beauty 'Rebecca Le'

31 Aug 2009 1 382
This is Vanda Gordon Dillon crossed with Ascocenda Yip Sum Wah. This is not my plant but a plant that was awarded by the American Orchid Society and photographed by myself for their records.

Epicattleya Voila 'Lorenzen Gee'

16 Oct 2009 1 266
In Explore October 16, 2009, #285. This is a hybrid of Cattleya bowringiana and Encyclia cordigera. It was photographed for the American Orchid Society awards system and belonged to good friends who are now passed on.

Phalaenopsis Sandra Livingston 'Kelly'

14 Oct 2009 1 430
In Explore October 14, 2009, #123. Thanks Brenda for the notice. This is a cross of Phalaenopsis Golden Gift and Phalaenopsis venosa. It was photographed when it was awarded by the American Orchid Society.

Epicattleya Honey 'Remar'

23 Oct 2009 1 310
This hybrid of Epicattleya Rosita and Cattleya aurantiaca was photographed for the American Orchid Society when it was awarded.

Paphiopedilum philippinense 'Matthew Stenerson'

20 Oct 2009 1 383
In Explore October 20, 2009, #389. Paphiopedilum philippinense is native to the Philippines and Borneo. This plant was photographed for the American Orchid Society's award system. This photo is dedicated to my good friends Laura (Prayerfriends) and her husband Isolino. Hast thou a friend, as heart my wish at will? Then use him so, to have his friendship still. Wouldst have a friend, wouldst know what friend is best? Have God thy friend, who passeth all the rest.

Sophrolaeliocattleya Golden Wax 'Brittany'

07 Nov 2009 1 438
In Explore November 6, 2009, #323. This is a hybrid of Sophrocattleya Kauai Starbright and Laeliocattleya Chocolate Drop. This was photographed for the American Orchid Society and was published in one of their annual calenders, the calender for 1992.

Dendrobium affine 'Amber'

17 Nov 2009 1 332
This species is native to Australia, New Guinea and Indonesia. This particular plant was photographed for the American Orchid Society.

Cattleya jenmanii alba 'Fuch's Snow'

11 Dec 2009 1 370
In Explore December 11, 2009, #180. This plant is not mine but was photographed for the American Orchid Society when the owner was awarded the Society's highest award, a First Class Certificate. It is a very fine example of a species from Guyana and Venezuela. This photo was published in Orchids, the magazine of the American orchid Society, in the October 1993 issue.

Masdevallia datura

08 Dec 2011 325
I've previously posted a picture very similar to this. That picture is on the front cover of the December, 2011, issue of Orchids, the magazine of the American Orchid Society. A picture of the cover is shown below (Not the greatest photo, but I found it very difficult to photograph). The species itself is from Ecuador and has huge flowers (6 inches) on a small plant (5 inches). The flowers are named for their perceived resemblance to those of the Moonflower, Datura inoxia. These flowers are also very faintly fragrant. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2011/04/masdevallia-datur...