RHH's photos with the keyword: wildflwoer

Common Camas

27 Oct 2015 47 25 676
Common Camas is well named since it is one of most common wildflowers in the Pacific Northwest. We have seen fields and prairies covered with thousands of them in bloom. They were also an important food source for native Americans who dug and ate the bulbs. These were photographed in eastern Washington, but they grow west of the mountains as well.

Flat-spurred Piperia

21 Jul 2014 34 25 971
There are five species in the genus Piperia that can be found in Washington. They all have green to white flowers and in most, including this, the flowers are quite small. Not only are the flowers small in this case, however, but by the time the plant blooms the leaves have withered, so all one sees is a stem, about twelve inches tall, with these green and white flowers. This is the Flat-spurred Piperia, so-called not for the shape of its spur but for the fact that spur is at a ninety degree angle to the stem. Its botanical name is Piperia transversa. These were photographed at Dog Mountain in the Columbia River gorge. Towards the end of June I had the privilege of taking friends, a couple from Germany, on an three-day orchid tour of Washington. We started in the Columbia Gorge where I met them, worked out way up through eastern Washington and ended at several sites in western Washington, including Goat Mountain and Whidbey Island. We saw 15 species of orchids, a bit less than half of our native species and a very good number for any time of the year.

Mountain Bog Gentian

12 Mar 2014 21 14 1170
Also called Explorer's Gentian, Gentiana calycosa is very common in some areas of the Cascades. We found it in abundance both along the Mount Rainier Highway and at Paradise, but always growing in wet areas. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2013/10/mount-rainier.html

A Single Flower of the Few-flowered Shooting Star

16 Jul 2012 279
Photographed in Washington Park, these grow by the thousands at Greenpoint on the edge of the rocks just above the water, exposed to the elements and waves. They bloom in the spring. The botanical name is Dodecatheon pulchellum. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/05/spring-in-w...