RHH's photos with the keyword: hirtzii

Masdevallia hirtzii

02 Jun 2014 45 23 1195
This is another photo of a species from Ecuador that I posted several days ago. It grows at high altitudes and requires cool temperatures, lower light and good humidity.

Masdevallia hirtzii

26 May 2014 52 36 1333
Masdevallia hirtzii is a small orchid species from Ecuador and Peru that grows in montane (mountain) forests at high altitudes (not all orchids are from warm and tropical areas). It is named after a well-known Ecuadorian orchid collector, Alexander Hirtz. I am going to be posting more orchid pictures this week, photos of orchids I grow and will be catching up my 100x:2014 project.

Trisetella hirtzii

05 Nov 2011 401
Closely related to Masdevallias and once classified with them, the Trisetellas are all tiny plants with unusual and colorful flowers. I purchased this plant as Trisetella nodulifera, but it very obviously was not that species when it bloomed and I am reasonably sure that this is the correct identification. This species is from Ecuador and is approximately 3 cm tall with 1 cm flowers. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2011/11/trisetella-hirtzi...

Porroglossum hirtzii

17 Feb 2012 290
This little orchid is from Ecuador. It belong to a genus of of orchids that all have hinged, insect-trapping lips. When the lip is touched it springs up trapping the insect between the lip and column and effecting pollination. Eventually the lip swings down once again and the process is repeated if pollination is not effected. In this photo the lip is up against the column due to my moving the plant for photographs. I'll have to post another picture of the flower with the lip down. The plant is only 4 cm tall and the flowers are 1 cm in size, but come singly on quite long, wiry spikes, 12-15 cm long, and as can be seen in the photo, the flowers have glandular hairs scattered over the surface of the flower..

Platystele hirtzii

17 Nov 2012 1 480
This tiny orchid species is also from Ecuador. The plant is less than an inch tall and the flowers three-eighths of an inch. Their intriguing silvery color and burgundy lip make them stand out. More pictures of plant and flowers here: orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2012/03/platystele-hirtzi...

Masdevallia hirtzii

28 Jan 2013 3 1 329
Masdevallia hirtzii is a cloud forest orchid species from Ecuador and Peru. It blooms profusely when happy and provides some bright color in the middle of the winter. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2013/01/masdevallia-hirtz...

Masdevallia hirtzii

28 Jan 2013 470
Masdevallia hirtzii is a small orchid species from Ecuador and Peru. If happy it blooms prolifically through the darkest days of winter providing some welcome color then. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2013/01/masdevallia-hirtz...

Trisetella hirtzii

06 Mar 2013 1 349
The genus Trisetella is related to Masdevallia and in fact was once part of that genus. To it belong a group of tiny plants with colorful tailed flowers. This species is from Ecuador, the plant is a little more than an inch tall and the flowers are a third of an inch. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2011/11/trisetella-hirtzi...