RHH's photos with the keyword: reecer creek canyon

Sagebrush Violet

03 Nov 2015 40 34 600
Reecer Creek Canyon near Ellensburg, Washington, is one of our favorite places for spring wildflowers. These Sagebrush Violets were photographed there several years ago. We found them there by the thousands. These is another photo in the inset.

Yellow Bells

16 Apr 2013 1 2 304
One more picture of this delightful spring wildflower, this time from Reecer Creek Canyon. Yellow Bells are Fritillaria pudica, a small species from eastern Washington. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2013/04/reecer-cree...

Sagebrush Violets

16 Apr 2013 1 2 385
These were everywhere when we drove up Reecer Canyon Road a few weeks ago. In one area especially there were thousands of them. The Sagebrush Violet is Viola trinervata and it grows in drier areas in eastern Washington. The flowers in the background are Spring Beauty. I posted a picture of them several days ago. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2013/04/reecer-cree...

Reecer Creek Canyon

17 Apr 2013 2 325
The afternoon and evening that we drove up Reecer Creek Canyon road did not give us much opportunity for pictures of scenery. The weather was changing and the valley behind was quite hazy, but we died find one spot where we could see some of the canyon below us. We were amazed at the color that stained the rock formations in the canyon and managed to get a few pictures. I would suppose that the colors are algae on the rocks, but I have never seen them this colorful. The photo is not the greatest but was the best I could get from the vantage point. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2013/04/reecer-cree...