RHH's photos with the keyword: cascade

Small Falls

23 Aug 2014 44 16 744
At the beginning of the Wallace Falls trail there is a short side trail which follows a creek to a cascade (it really doesn't qualify as a waterfall) known as Small Falls. This is a part of the cascade photographed in the autumn with an old piece of Western Red Cedar, lots of moss and some leaves from the Bigleaf Maple.

Common Butterwort (Pinguicula vulgaris)

22 Jan 2009 1 499
Photographed on the Cascade Pass Trail.

Cascade Pass Near Pelton Basin

Firehole Cascades

Floral Cascade

27 Aug 2009 1 256
In Explore August 26, 2009, #218. Thanks, martinsanford and rsingleton for the id. This is Amaranthus viridis, a shrub-like perennial that I photographed growing outside one of the show barns at the Northwest Washington Fair.


31 Jul 2011 282
This time exposure was taken in the Columbia River gorge along Old Highway 30 in Oregon. The area is home to numerous waterfalls and streams such as this and is a photographer's paradise. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2011/06/columbia-ri...

Pelton Peak and Magic Mountain from Sahale Arm

23 Sep 2012 1 330
Taken on our recent hike to Cascade Pass and Sahale Arm, this photo was shot from the steep trail up to the top of the Arm and looking south over Pelton Basin to Pelton Peak (on the left) and Magic Mountain. The reds and oranges in the foreground are the autumn colors of the mountain foliage, especially of the blueberries which were at their peak of ripeness and were being avidly sought by the black bears. On the way down from the arm we saw three adults and one cub, several of them on the trail below us and had to make sure that we did not run into any of them. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/09/cascade-pas...

Cascade Pass and Pelton Basin

18 Sep 2012 527
I've not posted a picture since last week Thursday and this is the reason. Two friends and I went backpacking in the North Cascades Friday and Saturday. I offered and they won the trip (all equipment and food provided and all expenses paid) at a fund-raiser earlier in the year and we were finally able to go this past week, taking advantage of the spectacularly beautiful weather we've been having. We hiked Cascade Pass and Sahale Arm, the most scenic and beautiful hike in the North Cascades, in my opinion. We hiked in four miles over the pass to Pelton Basin (our camp was in the trees on the left of the picture). The trail climbs 1800 feet through 34 switchbacks over those four miles and then drops about 400 feet to the camp. We arrived and set up camp around noon and then hiked back up to the pass and up Sahale Arm to Sahale Peak and Glacier, gaining another 2700 feet in elevation over two and half miles. There is a camp at 7700 feet at the foot of Sahale Glacier, the highest camp in the Cascades, but this was their first time backpacking and we were not sure that any of us could make it with packs to that camp. We did not get back to camp until late and after our evening meal and a good night's sleep and some time for relaxation the next morning, hiked out again on Saturday afternoon. We had great weather, awesome scenery, saw lots of wildlife and arrived home tired and satisfied. One of the high points of the trip was the fact that the wild blueberries and huckleberries were ripe. Another high point was all the wildlife, black bears, deer, marmots, pikas, grouse. The bears were out in full force and we had eight sightings of bears including several cubs and had to be careful in places on the trail. We had one large bear that was on the hillside across from the camp the whole time we were there, but he was busy feeding on the berries and did not bother us at all. We heard something come snuffling through the camp after we had gone to sleep, but could not tell if it was a bear. All our food and personal items were away from camp and out of reach of the bears, and whatever it was that came through did not bother us. The camp was as comfortable as a backcountry camp can be and in spite of the intrusion we all slept soundly. The two peaks shown in the picture are Pelton Peak and Magic Mountain, and the basin, the trail following it, goes another thirty miles to the old town of Stehekin and Lake Chelan, a hike I would very much like to do some day. My wife was unable to come along, but after seeing the pictures will probably be the reason why we do make this hike again. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/09/cascade-pas...

Autumn Blueberries

27 Oct 2012 296
Another of Edward's photos. These are Cascades Blueberries in their autumn color with Lower Twin Lake in the background. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/10/hiking-in-t... ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/10/hiking-in-t...

Pelton Basin

10 Dec 2012 3 1 338
One of our last hikes of the season was in the North Cascades and up through Cascade Pass to Pelton Basin where we camped over night. This view looks down Pelton Basin from near the top of the pass with Pelton Peak in the distance. I made the hike with two friends who were backpacking for the first time and we had fabulous weather, beautiful autumn color and a spectacular place to hike. I had posted as few pictures from this hike earlier and wanted to post more. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/09/cascade-pas...

Stehekin River

12 Dec 2012 1 1 283
Taken near our camp in Pelton Basin. We ate most of our meals down by the river, really little more than a stream in this area, and I took quite a few time exposures of the water as well. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/09/cascade-pas...

The Trail

13 Dec 2012 2 323
This is near Cascade Pass with Magic Mountain ahead and Pelton Peak visible in the distance. The trail goes round the end of the hill across a talus slope and then around another hill to the top of the pass. The hike was about four miles to the top of the pass and another half mile to our camp in Pelton Basin. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/09/cascade-pas...

Sahale Arm

13 Dec 2012 1 1 300
Taken on the trail (a rather steep trail) up from Cascade Pass to Sahale Arm. The view is to the north with Hidden Lake Peak in the distance and with some of the autumn color in the foreground. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/09/cascade-pas...

Cascade Pass

12 Dec 2012 1 284
Taken on the hike up to Cascade Pass, this photo looks back down the valley with the slopes of Joahnnesburg Mountain across the valley and the car park where we started far below. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/09/cascade-pas...

Cascade Pass

14 Dec 2012 1 270
The photo was taken from the top of Cascade Pass looking along the west side of Pelton Basin and the slopes of Magic Mountain. The autumn color was at its peak when we hike and this gives a good example of what it is like in the North Cascades at that time of the year. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/09/cascade-pas...

Pelton Peak

14 Dec 2012 1 329
Taken with a zoom lens from Cascade Pass, Pelton Peak dominates the lower end of Pelton Basin. The glacier at the right of the peak in the saddle between it and Magic Mountain is Yawning Glacier. The haziness of all these pictures is due to wildfires burning further south in the Wenatchee area. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/09/cascade-pas...

Cascade in the Cascades

20 Mar 2013 234
This was a small cascade we stopped to photograph along the very rough forest service road we were driving in the Greenwater area last July. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/08/near-greenw...