RHH's photos with the keyword: duck


27 May 2019 1 135
These Bufflehead Ducks were photographed on one of the lakes near our home.

American Wigeon

27 May 2019 8 3 193
Photographed on a nearby pond, this is an American Wigeon.

Hooded Merganser

27 May 2019 2 1 148
These Hooded Mergansers were photographed on a nearby pond. They were not very eager to have their photos taken, so this was the best I could do.


27 May 2019 4 135
These Redhead ducks were photographed on a pond near our home. There is an American Wigeon in thee reeds in the background.

Ring-necked Ducks

13 Apr 2019 5 2 207
The ponds near our home and the lake are full of ducks at present, many of them looking for nesting sites. We've seen Hooded Mergansers, Common Mergansers, Redheads, Buffleheads, Blue-winged Teal, American Coots, Mallards and probably some others I've forgotten. This pair of Ring-necked Ducks was on the pond just down the street from where we live.

Harlequin Duck

04 Sep 2018 3 157
Another photo of a male Harlequin Duck photographed at Rosario beach in Deception Pass State Park, Washington.

Harlequin Duck

Harlequin Ducks

04 Sep 2018 1 201
These are male and female Harlequin Ducks, photographed at Rosario Beach in Deception Pass State Park, Washington.

Harlequin Duck

04 Sep 2018 25 15 340
Thought I'd add another bird, photographed at Rosario Beach, part of Deception Pass State Park. Was there briefly this spring and saw a number of these near the tide pools there. Interestingly, the scientific name for this species, Histrionicus histrionicus, refers to the fact that they are made up like an actor.

In My Best Clothes for My Portrait

Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus)

30 Jul 2009 2 1 415
Male Harlequin Duck, Berg Lake, Mount Robson Provincial Park, British Columbia.

The Smews and Their New Do's.

06 Apr 2010 1 1 392
Photographed at the Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle.


04 Jun 2010 1 381
Photographed in Stanley Park, Vancouver.

Wood Duck

07 Feb 2011 1 364
This most beautiful of ducks was photographed in Stanley Park, Vancouver, on a recent outing there: ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2011/01/stanley-par... .

The Duck

10 Feb 2011 1 1 425
I could not resist this one. A stupid picture, but every time I see it the poem runs through my head. Behold the duck. It does not cluck. A cluck it lacks. It quacks. It is specially fond Of a puddle or pond. When it dines or sups, It bottoms ups. -Ogden Nash Photographed in Stanley Park, Vancouver: ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2011/01/stanley-par... .

On Golden Pond

11 Nov 2011 256
This was taken on the grounds of the conference center in Pahang where we stayed while in Malaysia. The picture is slightly overexposed, but I liked the effect. The ducks are Lesser Whistling Ducks, Dendrocygna javanica. Thanks to Barbol for the id.

Ruddy Duck

31 Mar 2012 1 1 463
Photographed at the Woodland Park Zoo near Seattle. The Ruddy Duck is a small duck that belongs to the "stiff-tailed" ducks and is a very attractive and colorful bird that is found in the area year around.