RHH's photos with the keyword: western spotted coralroot

Western Spotted Coralroot

15 Jun 2019 24 24 356
We are down near the Oregon-California border where we spent the night and will be continuing into California in a little while to Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park. We spent a wonderful day yesterday traveling down the Oregon coast from Cape Perpetua to Brookings. We did some hiking, visited several lighthouses, walked the beaches, explored the tidepools along the coast, and watched the sunset at Meyer's Creek north of Brookings. The day started foggy and gray but soon turned sunny, and though very windy was pleasant. These photos were taken last week in eastern Washington near the town of Leavenworth, a faux German town that is a popular tourist destination. I did not stop in the town but continued orchid hunting at several locations near Leavenworth. Coralroots are strange orchids that have no leaves and most of them no chlorophyll. They often grow in dark forests with little undergrowth, those there were in a somewhat brighter location. Washington has four species of Coralroots including the Western Spotted, but they were very sparse this year in all the locations I visited.

Western Spotted Coralroot

15 Jun 2019 16 5 238
These are the flowers of the Western Spotted Coralroot which is nothing more (above ground) than a flowering stem since they are leafless and without chlorophyll. They were photographed in eastern Washington near Leavenworth.

Western Spotted Coralroot

15 Jun 2019 11 1 123
Coralroots are strange plants, little more than a flowering stem since they are leafless and without chlorophyll. These were photographed near Leavenworth, Washington, on the east side of the Cascades, but grow all over the Pacific Northwest.

Western Spotted Coralroot

27 Apr 2015 30 20 607
This was the second orchid of the new season, the Western Spotted Coralroot, Corallorhiza maculata var. occidentalis, another leafless orchid without chlorophyll that depends for its nourishment on a complex relationship with a soil fungus. This example was photographed in Washington Park on Fidalgo Island, but it is a common orchid even at higher elevations.

Corallorhiza maculata var. occidentalis

11 Feb 2015 31 15 734
This is the Western Spotted Coralroot, a mycotrophic plant without chlorophyll or leaves, photographed along Padden Ridge above Lake Padden. This variety of the Spotted Coralroot blooms earlier than the ordinary variety, is found only in the west, and is distinguished not only by its earlier bloom time but by the rounded lip. The ordinary variety has a lip that is straight-sided. This is one of the more common native orchids in our area.

Corallorhiza maculata var. occidentalis

21 May 2014 27 12 1096
I've posted several pictures of Coralroots recently and thought I'd post a picture showing how they grow. These are the Western Spotted Coralroot growing in a nice clump in Washington Park near Anacortes. Notice the lack of leaves (they are leafless) and they are without chlorophyll too. This will be my last post for a couple of days. I am leaving shortly on a camping trip with a group of 6-8th graders (I'm one of the chaperones) and will catch everyone up with commenting when I return. Until then, may you all have a good day and a good rest of the week.

Western Spotted Coralroot

07 Jun 2013 8 1 807
The Spotted Coralroots, both the ordinary and the western variety are everywhere in the Pacific Northwest forests at this time of the year. It is rare to be out hiking and not see them. This example was photographed near Leavenworth, Washington near where I photographed the Clustered Lady's Slipper. Like all the other Coralroots these are leafless and without chlorophyll and use a fungus to get their nutrients from the soil. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2013/05/orchid-hunting-in-leavenworth-area.html

Western Spotted Coralroot (Corallorhiza maculata v…

11 May 2010 1 1 296
I took some time yesterday afternoon to make a brief excursion to the Chuckanut Mountains south of Bellingham to see and photograph a couple of native orchids whose location had been given me by Upupa4me, a friend here on Flickr, and who is an expert at finding and photographing native wildflowers. Upupa4me's wonderful photostream can be seen at: www.flickr.com/photos/40650891@N02/ . Coralroots are leafless saprophytic orchids that have no chlorophyll and that obtain their nourishment by feeding off fungi in the soil. There are five species native to Washington and several distinctive varieties of these species. This plant was photographed along the Interurban Trail near Larrabee State Park in the Chuckanuts.

Unspotted Spotted Coralroot

27 May 2013 2 4 975
This is another Coralroot, mycotrophic, leafless and without chlorophyll, and a rare albino form of the Western Spotted Coralroot (there is a picture of the ordinary spotted form just two pictures back), so it is the unspotted Spotted Coralroot. A friend found these and showed them to me recently. nativeorchidsofthepacificnorthwest.blogspot.com/2013/05/fifth-week-of-native-orchid-season.html

Western Spotted Coralroot

25 May 2013 6 5 890
This is another shot of the Western Spotted Coralroot, Corallorhiza maculata var. maculata. This species, as noted before, is mycotrophic, feeding off decaying material in the soil through a relationship with a fungus. It was photographed in Larrabee State Park in the Chuckanut Mountains. nativeorchidsofthepacificnorthwest.blogspot.com/2013/05/fifth-week-of-native-orchid-season.html

Western Spotted Coralroot

23 Jan 2013 403
Found and photographed this in Deception Pass State Park last spring on a school camping trip. It reminds me of spring and of how eager I am to be out hiking again, but it is not a perfect picture. I was struggling with low light, a strong breeze and lenses that were fogging when I took the picture. The Western Spotted Coralroot is Corallorhiza maculata var. occidentalis, and is distinguished from the more common form by the rounded lip. It is leafless and without chlorophyll and obtains its nutrients from rotting material in the soil via a symbiotic relation with a fungus.

Western Spotted Coralroot

27 Feb 2013 383
Another of the native orchids that grows at Goose Rock, this one photographed along the trail to the top. There were a lot of these, but most of them just a stem or two. This large clump was one of the best examples we've seen. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/06/whidbey-isl...

Corallorhiza maculata var. occidentalis

21 May 2013 4 4 707
This is the Western Spotted Coralroot, a monotrophic plant, leafless and without chlorophyll and deriving its nourishment from decaying material in the soil through a symbiotic relationship with a soil fungus. It is distinguished from the Spotted Coralroot by the rounded lip and by a slightly earlier blooming time.