RHH's photos with the keyword: coccinea

Masdevallia coccinea 'Dwarf Pink'

15 Feb 2017 29 27 647
Masdevallia coccinea is one of the larger Masdevallias with very long flower spikes, far to big for my collection. This plant, however, is a dwarf form, that fits my growing area, though it is still quite large. The plant is 15 cm tall (it can be twice that size) with flower spikes that reach another 15 cm above the plant. These (5 cm) flowers open dark pink and fade to paler pink, but the species can be found in a rainbow of colors. It blooms in the spring and is from the high altitudes of the Peruvian Andes.

Sophrolaeliocattleya Circle of Life

10 Feb 2017 27 26 539
This is one of the few hybrids I grow and one of the few Cattleyas I grow. It's a hybrid of Laeliocattleya Culminant and the tiny red species, Sophronitis coccinea and due to the renaming of the species in its background would now be known simply as Cattleya Circle of Life. It is a small plant as Cattleyas go, only 25 cm tall with 7-8 cm flowers, two per growth. It blooms faithfully every winter or spring and is one I raised from a very small seedling.

Sophronitis coccinea

10 Apr 2009 255
From Brazil.

Masdevallia Ruby Slippers

13 Apr 2010 1 253
This is a new plant in our collection, purchased at the Northwest Washington Orchid Society show. It's a hybrid of Masdevallia coccinea and Masdevallia calura.

Masdevallia coccinea 'Dwarf Pink'

20 Nov 2010 287
I've posted three more orchid pictures in which I've been trying to do some creative photography. I shot this flower from the side with very bright lighting on the front of the flower and some reflected light on the back to try to bring out the difference in color. I also left it uncropped since it seemed more dramatic with all the black.

Sophronitis coccinea

29 Jan 2011 315
This miniature species from Brazil is related to Cattleya and has been used in hybridizing to reduce plant size and to impart red color to its progeny. Sadly, this plant is no longer in my collection, but is a picture taken years ago and scanned from a slide. The picture below is a hybrid, about 6 inches tall, a fourth generation hybrid that has Soph. coccinea in it three times and has more than half its genes from that species.

Sophronitis coccinea 'Fourth Dimension'

21 Aug 2011 289
Sophronitis coccinea is a miniature orchid species from Brazil that is related to the Cattleyas and has been much hybridized with them to produce miniature plants and sunset colors. The species is increasing rare in the wild due to illegal over-collecting, but is fairly common in cultivation and has been much interbred by the Japanese to produce plants of superior shape and color that are more warmth tolerant. It tends to be a bit temperamental but when given cooler temperatures and fairly even moisture will do well. This plant is 9-10 cm tall, typical for the species and the flowers about 6 cm across, and it a selected clone. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2011/08/sophronitis-cocci...

Masdevallia coccinea 'Dwarf Pink'

14 Nov 2011 336
Masdevallia coccinea is the most beautiful, the most sought-after and the most hybridized species in the genus. Most plants are quite large with very long spikes, but this particular clone is smaller in size with much shorter spikes and therefore the only example of this species I am able to grow. The plant is 15 cm tall with spikes that are another 15 cm and flowers 5 cm. The species comes in a rainbow of colors, but this clone is pink, opening a deep pink and gradually fading to a very pale pink. It is native to Colombia and Peru, grows at high altitudes, and in cultivation requires cool temperatures year around. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2011/11/masdevallia-cocci...

Masdevallia Redwing

14 May 2012 287
It's been quite some time since I posted a picture of one of my own orchids, so here's an orchid that bloomed recently. Masdevallia Redwing is a hybrid of two species, Masdevallia coccinea and Masdevallia infracta, a cool-growing with a warmth-tolerant species with some of the best features of both. It has far more temperature tolerance than Masdevallia coccinea and has far more colorful and larger flowers than Masdevallia infracta. There is considerable color variation in the cross, since the Masdevallia coccinea parent ranges in color from white to red through every shade of yellow, orange and pink. Examples of the two parents are shown below, though I am quite certain that a differently colored Masdevallia coccinea was used to produce this cross.

Masd. coccinea 'Dwarf Pink'

27 Jun 2012 1 328
Perhaps the most spectacular and most hybridized Masdevallia species, this comes in a rainbow of colors, from pure white through yellows and oranges to deep red and purple. It is also one of the larger species in the genus with very long flower spikes. This particular example, however, is more manageable with shorter spikes and a slightly smaller plant size. This species come from the high Andes and requires cool to cold temperatures and will not prosper otherwise. Mine blooms best when grown in a pot that is a bit too small for the plant. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2011/11/masdevallia-cocci...

Masdevallia coccinea 'Dwarf Pink'

06 Jul 2012 1 514
I posted a close-up picture of these flowers recently and thought I'd post the plant as well. It is a smaller form of the species that grows and blooms very well for me. The species is from high altitudes and requires cool to cold temperatures and is not always the easiest Masdevallia to grow. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2012/07/masdevallia-cocci... .

Slc. Circle of Life

06 Dec 2012 1 597
Slc. stands for Sophrolaeliacattleya a name for a hybrid of three different genera, Sophronitis, Laelia and Cattleya. Since the whole Cattleya alliance has been re-examined and many species renamed, it is now just simply Cattleya Circle of Life. It is a first-bloom seedling that I got in a batch from one of the best hybridizers around and is a large plant (for me), 8-10 inches tall with 4 inch flowers. It is a hybrid of Laeliocattleya Culminant and Sophronitis coccinea for those who are interested. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2012/12/sophrolaeliocattl...

Slc. Circle of Life

06 Dec 2012 812
Here's another shot of Slc. or C. (for Cattleya) Circle of Life. It actually has another flower spike developing with two more flowers. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2012/12/sophrolaeliocattl...

Slc. Seagulls Little Doll

16 Feb 2013 493
"Slc." stand for Sophrolaeliocattleya, which means that this is cross of three genera, Sophronitis, Laelia and Cattleya, Sophronitis coccinea, a species and the hybrid Laeliocattleya Pixie Gold, only now all the parents have been lumped under Cattleya so that this is simply Cattleya Seagulls Little Doll. The photo is an old one, however, and I no longer have the plant.

Sophronitis coccinea 'Fourth Dimension'

05 Mar 2013 384
Now known as Cattleya sophronitis, this Brazilian species has been used to breed reds into the Cattleya alliance, but is spectacular in its own right. This clone is the result of intensive breeding and is a tetraploid with very heavy substance and excellent form. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2013/02/sophronitis-cocci...

Sophronitis coccinea 'Fourth Dimension'

06 Mar 2013 1 608
Here's another picture of my 4N (tetraploid) Sophronitis. The first year it bloomed with one flower, this year with two and hopefully does even better next year. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2013/02/sophronitis-cocci...

Soph. coccinea 'Fourth Dimension'

09 Mar 2013 1 313
One more shot of my tetraploid Sophronitis. The blooms were slightly misshapen this time, though I have no idea why, but are still striking. The plant is in our local show tomorrow. orchidsinbloom-ron.blogspot.com/2013/02/sophronitis-cocci...