David Holland's photos with the keyword: Hampstead Heath

Galls on oak IMG_7728

19 Dec 2017 27
Galls Hampstead Heath LNHS 16th Sep 2017

Millipede IMG_7746

20 Dec 2017 26
Millipede, Hampstead Heath 16th Sep, LNHS walk,

Nest IMG_7747

20 Dec 2017 43
Not sure what this was on grass, Hampstead Heath 16th Sep, LNHS walk

Shieldbug IMG_7757

20 Dec 2017 23
Red legged shield bug, Pentotoma rufipes, Hampstead Heath, LNHS walk 16th Sep

Shieldbug IMG_7758

20 Dec 2017 20
Red legged shield bug, Pentotoma rufipes, Hampstead Heath, LNHS walk 16th Sep

IMG_7727 Shieldbug

19 Dec 2017 55
Greenshield bug, Palomena prasina nymph 16th Sep LNHS walk Hampstead Heath

Fly IMG_7729

19 Dec 2017 41
Fly Hamptead Heath 16th Sep LNHS walk

Butterfly IMG_7732

19 Dec 2017 44
Comma Butterfly,Polygonia c-album, Hampstead Heath LNHS 16th Sep

Gall IMG_7735

19 Dec 2017 20
Gall LNHS walk, Hampstead Heath, 16th Sep

Shieldbug IMG_7733

19 Dec 2017 29
Common Green shieldbug,Palomena prasina, Hamptsead Heath 16th LNHS

Gall contents IMG_7740

19 Dec 2017 44
Gall contents Hampstead Heath LNHS Walk 16th Sep, Mick Massie found this

EF7A9248 Leafhopper

04 Dec 2017 35
Leafhopper Hampstead Heath 16 Sep

Ramshorn Gall IMG_7742

19 Dec 2017 41
Ramshorn gall LNHS walk Hampstead Heath 16th Sep (I think any corrections welcomed)