David Holland's photos with the keyword: Canon MPE 65

IMG 7361 Springtail-1

17 Jun 2024 22
Springtail, Colembola,, the real size is 1.58 mm, magnification is 3.78. I think Dicyrtomina saundersi

Flylarva IMG 7097

23 Jan 2021 27
Fly larva on leaf litter, The real size is 4.69 mm, magnification is 2.1 mag

springtail img 6343 50723489517 o

14 Jan 2021 21
Springtail from the allotment, the real size is 4.27 mm, magnification is 2.52. Stack of 2 photos

BugIMG 1706

28 Nov 2019 71
A bug on a coaster, the real size is 6.79 mm, magnifcation is 1.2. I found it was running around in my kitchen, so I put it on a coaster then put it on a plate full of water - it stayed still straight away. I released it unharmed after photographing it.

SpringtailIMG 1601

23 Nov 2019 1 73
Springtail, The real size is 2.94 mm, magnifcation is 2.2. Not sure of ID, maybe orchesella villosa, from the garden.

SpringtailIMG 3472

04 Mar 2019 61
Springtail at 3.0 Mag, about 1.8 mm long


03 Mar 2019 53
Springtail at 2.2 Mag about 3.3 mm long


17 Apr 2017 49
Fly 1.4 Mag about 5mm long

Bug EF7A2988

17 Apr 2017 73
Bug 2.1 Mag about 4.5 mm long


09 Dec 2016 60
Springtail 3.7 Mag


09 Dec 2016 36
Springtail 3.7 Mag


03 Aug 2016 96
Bug with 1.5 Magnification so 2.4 with crop factor


03 Aug 2016 140
Grapholita compositella, 2.2 Magnification 3.52 with crop factor


14 Jun 2016 76
Click beetle on leaf 1.2 Magnification so with crop factor 1.92


14 Jun 2016 103
Millipede from leaf litter 5.0 magnification so with crop factor 8 times


14 Jun 2016 55
Caterpillar on bramble leaf 1.0 magnification so with crop factor 1.6


14 Jun 2016 104
Fly 1.2 magnification so with crop factor 1.92


11 Jun 2016 138
Weevil, from Brompton Bioblitz 28th May on my hand

20 items in total