Dida From Augsburg's photos with the keyword: Fire

Lebendiger Advent - Living Advent

18 Dec 2016 23 27 599
➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - Amazingstoker's mission: 'Reasons to be Cheerful' ________________________ I'm cheerful and grateful to have my family, good friends and neighbours. Every year we take part at "Lebendiger Advent" (Living Advent). This is a Christmas event in my district. On each day of Advent, private individuals provide their homes, or their gardens and organize a small advent celebration to which everyone is invited and everything that is offered is for free

Come on, Baby...

05 Nov 2016 31 30 801
➽ ...light my fire! ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ______________ ➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - Your mission this week, if you choose to accept it is... Bonfire Night , anything to do with bonfires, fireworks, Guy Fawkes, flames, baked potatoes ➽ No bonfires, fireworks, Guy Fawkes, BBQs, etc., here this week - matches were wet and the potatoes were sold out ;-D - therefore exceptionally shots (PiPs) from the archives (not yet published, reworked)!! If not acceptable, feel free to delete it from TSC! ______________ ➽ Fire show of the group SPiCE on the La Strada festival = annual street performers festival

Trial by Fire

04 Jun 2016 37 31 665
➽ Trial by Fire ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ __________________ ➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - HEAT Youth Action Day at the volunteer fire department Pfersee - children and young people of the district are invited to visit the fire department and have a lot of action and fun and they playfully learn how to behave in case of fire. In this way also junior employees should to be recruited. As you can see even the youngest take the task very seriously and come in full gear - see also PiPs!

Heatwave (pls. enlarge)

05 Nov 2015 24 23 553
➽ Heatwave ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ _____________________________ ➽ Tag der offenen Tür bei der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Pfersee --- Löschübung ➽ Open Day at the volunteer fire department Pfersee --- Fire drill ➽ Der komplette Ablauf einer solchen Löschübung/The complete expiration of such a fire drill

# 8 Firewall (pls. enlarge)

05 Nov 2015 18 39 591
➽ Tag der offenen Tür bei der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Pfersee --- Jugendfeuerwehr - mein Sohn und eine Kollegin mittendrin, statt nur dabei! ➽ Open Day at the volunteer fire department Pfersee --- Youth Fire Brigade - my son and a colleague in the middle instead of only there! ____________________ ➽ NOT The Sunday Challenge - HEAT

Don't try this at home!

05 Nov 2015 4 2 392
➽ 1. Fettexplosion: Man nehme 1 Liter Speiseöl, erhitze es bis es brennt und lösche das Feuer mit Wasser! ➽ 2. Der große Knall - nicht nur Theorie: Explosion einer überhitzten Spraydose! Ohne Witz - bitte nicht zu Hause nachmachen!! _________________ ➽ 1. Fat explosion: Take 1 liter of cooking oil, heat it until it burns and put out the fire with water! ➽ 2. The Big Bang - not only a theory: Explosion of an overheated aerosol can! No joke - please don't try this at home!!

Löschübung - Fire drill (pls. enlarge and see desc…

05 Nov 2015 5 6 409
➽ Die Jugendgruppe der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Pfersee zeigt am Tag der offenen Tür, was sie gelernt hat! Die Brandstiftung gehört natürlich nicht zur Ausbildung! (◕‿-) ___________________ ➽ The youth group of volunteer firefighters Pfersee shows at the open door, what they have learned! Of course the arson doesn't belong to the training! (◕‿-) ___________________ ➽1. Arson! - 2. Alarm! - 3. Line up! - 4. Briefing - 5. Ready to fight! - 7. Attack force forward! - 9. Hose couplings! - 13. Water on! - 18. Fire look up! - 19. Extinguish again! - 21. Stop water! - 22. Clean up operation site!

Car carving (◕‿-) (pls. enlarge for details)

05 Nov 2015 1 325
➽ Tag der offenen Tür bei der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Pfersee Vorführung: Befreiung einer eingeklemmten Person nach Verkehrsunfall! _______________ ➽ Open Day at the volunteer fire department Pfersee Demonstration: Freeing of a trapped person after car crash!