Dida From Augsburg's photos with the keyword: Hearts

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

14 Feb 2020 22 14 404
➽ Can't turn back the years ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

❤ for Sale

05 Mar 2017 20 25 484
➽ Hearts for sale ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ____________________________ ➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - Your mission this week, should you choose to accept it is HEART - HERZ - COEUR any way you like

❤ Heartily Fence Friday ❤

23 Feb 2017 15 19 665
➽ Straight from the ❤ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ _________________ ➽ HFF and a great WE to all!


12 Feb 2017 27 28 912
➽ Words ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ _________________________ ➽ The Sunday Challenge - Chris' mission: There are 2 parts to this Challenge: Part One: Please take a photograph and use it to design your own Valentine's Day card. Part Two: Include a verse to go along with the photograph. ( please put the verse on the card) You can use a verse you create yourself or any of the traditional ones.

Kalt-herzig ❤ Cold-hearted

16 Dec 2016 27 33 616
➽ HFF and a warm, cozy WE to all!


13 Nov 2016 71 79 868
➽ Transience ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ________________________ ➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - this week, your mission should you choose to accept it comes from Pappy in the challenge ideas thread.. As close as you can get. Get out your macro toys and cropping skills and make a photograph that gets as close as you can to an object without losing sight of what that object is. It might be fun to guess what the object is (if not really obvious) or is from in the comments and then have a reveal near the end of Sunday by the creator of the photograph. ________________________ ➽ O.k., I think you can see what it is - but, maybe you can guess which tree it's from?

Faith - Hope - Love...

08 Oct 2016 19 44 756
➽ Faith Hope Love ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ____________________ ➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - Your mission this week should you choose to accept it, is Seven Heavenly Virtues - prudence, justice, temperance (meaning restriction or restraint), courage (or fortitude), faith, hope and charity (or love) ____________________ ...or again a sin? (see PiP) At least in Bavaria it's almost a deadly sin to drink beer from Hamburg! (◕‿-) But I must confess they make great and funny advertising


04 Aug 2016 14 18 605
➽ HFF and a sunny WE full of L♡VE!

I ❤ Coffee

08 Nov 2015 55 43 705
➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - a cup/mug of hot drink (tea, coffee etc). seems simple, but elevating it to the next level is the real challenge

Fluffy ♡

04 Oct 2015 8 20 326
➽ NOT The Sunday Challenge - Fabric... ➽ The tail of a bunny suit, which my son and a few classmates bought on a school trip to Scotland - sh.. peer pressure! Unfortunately, he has forbidden me to show him in the suit! Uuuups! ;-D


28 Aug 2015 31 30 570
➽ TRUE L❤VE ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ _________________ ➽ HFF and a sunny weekend to all!

♡ ❤ ♡ ❤ ♡ ❤ ♡

09 Aug 2015 16 48 476
➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - Harriet suggested Bright/glittery/sparkly - I'm thinking of the kind of bokeh background which is man made possibly with shapes included. You know the kind you make by placing a cutout in front of the lens. Or, just get some sparkly bokeh, a shape 'filter' is optional. _______________________ Actually, I love to take photos with bokeh (see PiPs or keyword) , but, well, I had failed to read the topic again, so I tried a custom bokeh, with home-made stencil, although I knew that it will not work well because I can't open my aperture wide enough (max. f / 5.6)! Therefore the results aren't particularly beautiful, but I did my best! URRRRRK!!! ;-DD _______________________ ➽ Leaves of a birch

Hochzeitsreisen? Du sagtest doch, ... nur ein Woch…

❤-lich Willkommen im Tunnel der Träume und Fantasy…

17 Feb 2015 6 2 489
➽ Die Pferseer Unterführung, wegen der engen Wege "Angströhre" (Vorher-Nachher PiP) genannt, ist ein Nadelöhr zwischen der Innenstadt und dem Stadtteil Pfersee. Sie wurde 2003 mit Bildern und Graffiti heller und fröhlicher gestaltet! Außerdem wurde Musik, z.B. Mozart, auf dem Fußweg eingespielt. An der Aktion beteiligten sich ca. 100 Bürger, darunter Schulklassen, Hobbykünstler und Graffitiprofis aus der Region! Im Sommer 2012, wurden die Trennwände abgebrochen, um die Wege für Fußgänger und Radfahrer zu verbreitern. Gleichzeitig wurden die Farbflächen aufgefrischt und zur anderen Seite hin weitergeführt. Dadurch entstanden 28 neue Felder, die ebenfalls gestaltet wurden. Die Künstler von 2003 hatten die Chance, ihre Werke zu restaurieren. Bilder, die nicht erhaltenswert waren, konnten übermalt werden. Leider hört man durch den Verkehrslärm nicht mehr viel von der eingespielten Musik, aber die gefährliche Situation für Fußgänger und Radfahrer wurde durch diese Maßnahme etwas entspannt! _____________________ ➽ The Pferseer underpass, because of its narrow pathes called "fear tube" (Before and after PiP) is a bottleneck between the city and the suburb Pfersee. In 2003 it was designed with paintings and graffiti brighter and more cheerful! Also you can listen to music on the footpath, e.g. Mozart. The Promotion involved about 100 people, including school classes, hobby artists and graffiti professionals from the region! In summer 2012, the partition walls were demolished in order to widen the roads for pedestrians and cyclists. Simultaneously, the color space was refreshed and continues to the other side. This resulted in 28 new fields, which were also designed. The artists of 2003 had the chance to restore their works. Images that were not worth preserving could be painted over. Because of the traffic noise you hear now the music not as good but the dangerous situation for pedestrians and cyclists is on the basis of this measure somewhat relaxed!

Not found a Valentine? (>‿♥)

15 Feb 2015 11 9 537
➽ "DRECK" means "Dirt / Rubbish"

❤ for Sale

15 Feb 2015 8 9 348
➽ ❤ for Sale ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩

♡ ♡ Jaume Plensa, The Secret Heart: "I can hear y…

11 Nov 2014 14 22 461
➽ I can hear your heartbeat ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ___________________________________________ ➽ Jaume Plensa The Secret Heart is an oversized heart that floats in the midst of the gas boiler room (PiP) . It's designed as an anatomical model with red arteries and blue veins that fill the room with wide sweeping gestures. The heart consists of a cloth material and is permanently maintained in the form by a pump. A sound installation that will be heard by twelve speakers, enriches the artwork to the dimension of time. To hear are about 100 citizens of Augsburg various ages and backgrounds which count from 1 to 60. So they give certain extent the seconds cycle. ___________________________________________ ➽ Jaume Plensa The Secret Heart/Das Geheimherz ist ein überdimensionales Herz, das inmitten des Gaskesselraumes (PiP) schwebt. Es ist als ein anatomisches Modell gestaltet, mit roten Arterien und blauen Venen, die mit weitausladenden Gesten den Raum erfüllen. Das Herz besteht aus einem Tuchmaterial und wird durch eine Pumpe dauerhaft in Form gehalten. Eine Soundinstallation, die durch zwölf Lautsprecher hörbar wird, bereichert das Kunstwerk um die Dimension der Zeit. Zu hören sind rund 100 Augsburgerinnen und Augsburger verschiedensten Alters und Herkunft, die von 1 bis 60 zählen. Sie geben gewissermaßen den Sekundentakt vor. __________________________________________ ➽10-Week Picture Projects: Shapes, Week 5: Heart