Dida From Augsburg's photos with the keyword: Birds

Spatzenjagd - Sparrow hunting (◕‿-)

15 Apr 2021 37 36 392
➽ Barocker Justitiabrunnen in Regensburg (laut Inschrift aus 1656). Die Figur der Justitia des Bildhauers Leopold Hilmer ist von 1659, das Eisengitter datiert aus dem Jahr 1592. ➽ PiP, klickbar ______________ ➽ The baroque Fountain of Justitia in Regensburg (according to the inscription from 1656). The figure of Justitia by sculptor Leopold Hilmer is from 1659, the iron grating dates from 1592. ➽ PiP, clickable ______________ ➽ HFF and a sunny WE to all! ______________ ➽ Ein Lied für Poly! ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Happy Seagulls Sunday (◕‿-)

14 Mar 2021 22 16 284
➽ Wo hab ich heut nur meinen Kopf? - Where's my head at? (PiP!) ________________________________________ ➽ Ein Lied für Poly! ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Voll beschissen - immer noch zu! / Shitty - still…

26 Feb 2021 42 57 337
➽ Ein Lied für Poly! ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ___________________________ ➽ HFF and a good WE to all!


09 Feb 2020 34 30 426
➽ Shedhallen der ehemaligen Augsburger Kammgarn-Spinnerei . Die Vorzüge der Sheds – die steilen und nach Norden ausgerichteten Dachfenster boten bestes Tageslicht bei idealen Klimawerten (siehe PiP 1) – waren der Firmenleitung so wichtig, dass auch für die Spinnerei ab etwa 1870 nur Sheds verwendet wurden. Hieraus ergab sich die für eine Spinnerei untypisch große Anzahl an Shedhallen. Im PiP 2 eine Aufnahme des Geländes aus 2012, hier sieht man die obigen Shedhallen noch vor der Sanierung. Heute befinden sich dort 2 Supermärkte und überdachte Parkplätze. Dieser Blick ist heute so nicht mehr möglich, da das Gelände vor der Fabrik komplett mit Wohnhäusern bebaut wurde (kann man gut auf der Karte erkennen). __________________________________________ ➽ "Shed halls" of the former Augsburger Kammgarn-Spinnerei (Augsburg worsted spinning mill). The advantages of the so called "Sheddächer" (shed roofs) - the steep, north-facing skylights provided the best daylight with ideal climate values (see PiP 1) - were so important to the company management that only "Sheds" were used for the spinning mill from around 1870 onwards. This resulted in the unusually large number of "Shed halls" for a spinning mill. In PiP 2 a photo of the site from 2012, here you can see the above "Shed halls" before the renovation. Today there are 2 supermarkets and covered parking spaces. This view is no longer possible today, because the area in front of the factory was completely built with residential buildings (you can see it on the map).

Missverständnis - Disagreement (◕‿-)

14 Jul 2019 25 15 311
"Weltkulturerbe? Urlaub am Wasser hab ich mir trotzdem anders vorgestellt!" "World Heritage? Nevertheless I've imagined a holiday at the water differently!" _______________________ ➽ Wir sind Welterbe! Mehr Infos im obigen Link, oder in meinem Album: www.ipernity.com/doc/1091631/album/772662 ➽ We are World Heritage! More info in the link above, or in my album: www.ipernity.com/doc/1091631/album/772662

Survivor (◕‿-)

24 Nov 2016 14 23 512
➽ Survivor ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ _____________________ ➽ Belated Happy Thanksgiving to my US friends and HFF to all!

Was für ein besch... Platz... - What a crappy pl…

01 Sep 2016 20 32 431
...und wo is eigentlich der rote Stuhl?? - ...and where's the red chair? (◕‿-) _______________________ ➽ Dedicated to Heidi!

Oooops! (◕‿-)

30 Aug 2016 41 35 759
➽ NOT The Sunday Challenge - this weeks challenge, should you choose to accept it is BIRDS/BIRD - Living birds, not dead or ornaments. ____________________________ ➽ Here one from the archives - I've discovered that I've actually photographed a series of bizarre/funny birds! ;-D

Exotic Birds (see PiPs) (◕‿-)

29 Aug 2016 23 15 497
➽ NOT The Sunday Challenge - this weeks challenge, should you choose to accept it is BIRDS/BIRD - Living birds, not dead or ornaments. ____________________________ ➽ Zoo Hellabrunn, Munich - Kronenkranich / Crowned crane

Too shy

28 Aug 2016 36 35 635
➽ Too shy ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ________________________ ➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - this weeks challenge, should you choose to accept it is BIRDS/BIRD - Living birds, not dead or ornaments. ________________________ ➽ Zoo Hellabrunn, Munich - Flamingo (see also PiPs)


13 Mar 2016 85 48 940
➽ Trilogy ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ - R.I.P Keith __________________ ➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - This week, your mission should you choose to accept it, is to depict Harmony. I used an older shot and reworked it, because I want to show a matching photo to the TSC theme and a tribute to Keith Emerson (Emerson, Lake & Palmer) in one!

Gerti kommt heim! - Gerti's coming home! (◕‿-)

18 Sep 2015 6 23 537
➽ Gerti??? _________________ Explanation to the vid: A flamingo looking his girlfriend Gerti and all helping! It's a compilation of commercials by the Austrian supermarket chain "Billa", which advertised a sticker scrapbook. The spots on YT were a Social Media Hit! _________________ Gull 1: "Hi everyone!" Gull 2: "Gerti, where have you been?? All have sought thee!" Gull 3:"Oh gosh, he's stupid, our Gerti isn't a Flamingo!" _________________ ➽ HFF and a funny weekend to all!

Vanity Fair

31 May 2015 33 40 569
➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - abstract in nature... DO NOT PROCESS to make your original shot abstract. ____________________ A peacock is abstract inherently (see also PiP's) and the photo is almost SOOC (a bit cropped), but I'm not sure if it fits to the theme - if not, I'll add another! - Based on the discussion in the group and Wendi's suggestion, I've now added the first of the notes!

Pfauenauge - Peacock's eye

Bird of Paradise

29 May 2015 17 14 422
➽ Bird of Paradise ♫♪♫♪♫♪

Gas, Wasser, Sch... ☣ Gas, Water, Sh..