Dida From Augsburg's photos with the keyword: Photographer

Mary Jane

27 Sep 2021 29 26 447
➽ Mary Jane ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ _____________________________ ➽ HBM and a great new week to all!

Farbfilm vergessen? (◕‿-)

24 Sep 2021 36 37 399
➽ HFF and a great WE to all! __________________________ ➽ Farbfilm vergessen? ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Zaungucker - Fence peeper (◕‿-)

19 Mar 2021 45 47 469
➽ Ein Lied für Poly! ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ________________________ ➽ HFF and a great WE to all!

Happy One-(invisible)hand-in-my-pocket-selfie Satu…

06 Mar 2021 21 16 404
➽ Ein Lied für Poly! ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ___________________________ ➽ Na, BK? ...und i schwör, i hab die Hand in dr Tasch ghabt, sonst hätt i sichr au gwinkt! ;-D


21 May 2020 13 8 347
➽ Einen schönen Vatertag allen Papas, die heute vielleicht den Tag nicht wie gewohnt feiern können - die seit Wochen im Homeoffice arbeiten, im Haushalt helfen, KiTa und Schule ersetzen, Kurzarbeit und dadurch Einkommenseinbußen haben, um ihre Existenz bangen und natürlich alle, die in "systemrelevanten Berufen" unser Leben am Laufen halten. Bleibt gesund, passt auf euch auf und haltet durch - damit sich alle Familien und Freunde bald wieder treffen können! ______________________________________ ➽ Happy Father's Day to all dads who may not be able to celebrate the day as usual today* - who have been working in the home office for weeks, helping with the household, replacing daycare and school, having short-time work and thereby losing income, worried about their existence and of course everyone that keep our lives going in "systemically relevant professions". Stay healthy, take care of yourself and hold out - so that all families and friends can meet again soon! ➽ *In Germany, Father's Day (Vatertag) is celebrated differently from other parts of the world. It's always celebrated on Ascension Day (the Thursday forty days after Easter), which is a federal holiday. Source: Wikipedia

Rothenburg ob der Tauber - Plönlein

22 Apr 2020 21 13 425
➽ Das Plönlein (von lat. „kleiner Platz“), in Rothenburg ob der Tauber , ist eines der schönsten mittelalterlichen Stadtbilder Deutschlands. Durch zwei wichtige Zufahrtswege, rechts aus dem Taubertal direkt von der Doppelbrücke her und links aus der Vorstadt von Süden, bildet sich der kleine, dreieckige Platz in dessen Zentrum sich ein schiefes, krummes Fachwerkhaus befindet. (PiP - Foto von 2010) Der Platz gilt als eine typische mittelalterliche europäische Kulisse , daher wird die Architektur immer wieder von Künstlern, Architekten und Designern kopiert - angefangen beim Walt Disney Klassiker „Pinocchio“ (1940) über Videospiele (Tekken Tag Tournament 2), Musikvideos, zuletzt in Lil Dicky’s Song ➽ Earth und sogar in Comics bzw. japanischen Mangas (Little Snow Fairy Sugar, 2001) ➽ Aufgenommen bei den Reichsstadt Festtagen in Rothenburg ob der Tauber _________________________________________________ ➽ The Plönlein (from the Latin “small square”) in Rothenburg ob der Tauber is one of the most beautiful medieval cityscapes in Germany. Through two important access routes, right from the valley of theTauber directly from the double bridge and left from the suburb from the south, it forms a small, triangular square in the center of which is a crooked half-timbered house. (PiP - a photo from 2010) The square is considered a typical medieval European backdrop, which is why the architecture is copied again and again by artists, architects and designers - starting with the Walt Disney classic "Pinocchio" (1940) through video games (Tekken Tag Tournament 2), music videos, most recently in Lil Dicky's Song ➽ Earth and even in comics or Japanese mangas (Little Snow Fairy Sugar, 2001) ➽ Taken at the Imperial city Festival in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

The Man Who Shot Robin Hood (◕‿-)

05 Apr 2020 20 17 544
➽ Aufgenommen bei den Reichsstadt Festtagen in Rothenburg ob der Tauber ___________________________________ ➽ Taken at the Imperial city Festival in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Kuckuck - Cuckoo (◕‿-)

13 Mar 2020 32 25 404
➽ HFF and a great WE to all - stay healthy!

How to photograph Christmas lights...

24 Dec 2019 22 14 319
... after 5 mulled wine! (◕‿-) - dedicated to Leon!

Frühlingsgefühle - Spring feelings

29 Mar 2019 29 37 581
➽ HFF and a sunny WE to all!

White Wedding 웃❤유

19 Sep 2018 32 33 516
➽ White Wedding ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Das schmale Haus - The narrow house

31 Aug 2018 37 42 497
➽ Das Fischer- und Gerberviertel liegt im Südwesten der historischen Altstadt von Ulm. (siehe auch klickbares PiP ) Entstanden ist es wohl nach der Stadterweiterung von 1316. Geprägt wird es von vielen gut erhaltenen Fachwerkhäusern, in denen Handwerker im Mittelalter ihre Leder gerbten und zum Trocknen auslegten. Hier sieht man die Häuslesbrücke, an deren Ende links das „Schmale Haus“ ______________________ ➽ The "Fischer und Gerberviertel" (Fisher and Tanner quarter) is located in the southwest of the historic old town of Ulm. (see also clickable PiP ) It was probably created after the city expansion of 1316. It is characterized by many well-preserved half-timbered houses, in which craftsmen in the Middle Ages tanned their leather and laid out to dry. Here you can see the "Häuslesbrücke" (house bridge), at the end of which the "Schmale Haus" (narrow house) ______________________ ➽ HFF and a great WE to all! (Well, o.K., I know, more a small wall than a fence this week! ;-D)

Ausflügler-Zaun - Day Tripper fence

26 Jul 2018 25 34 512
➽ HFF and a great sunny WE to all! __________________________ ➽ see also clickable PiP or Album "Ammersee" www.ipernity.com/doc/1091631/album/813622 __________________________ ➽ Summertime ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Hobbyhorse (◕‿-)

11 Mar 2017 24 33 775
➽ Every picture tells a story ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ _________________________ ➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - this weeks mission, should you choose to accept it is... MANLY PURSUITS Sorry, this week exceptionally one from the archives, but, according to the rules, it was never published here and I've processed it new!

Cyber Feathers (◕‿-)

22 Jan 2017 22 31 829
➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - Judith's mission: Feather/Feathers _____________________ ➽ Seen on a Bachelor party in the city!

Stay still! - Sorry, Baby - it's cold outside!

16 Oct 2016 37 47 1150
➽ Baby, it's cold outside! ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ________________________ ➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - your mission this week, should you choose to accept it is... do the geo-challenge again! Use the random point generator (www.geomidpoint.com/random) set your co-ordinates and select 1 point. You can decide how far away you will be prepared to go in miles or kilometers. Go to the point and take a new photo. _______________________ ➽ The generator gave me a point at our townhall square (first note) - normaly a beautiful place (see the other notes) but the day I had time to go there was cold, gray and rainy. I took a few boring photos but then I noticed this blue... (◕‿-)

Pflanzen der Liebe - Plants of Love (♥‿-)

11 Apr 2016 11 27 720
➽ NOT The Sunday Challenge - Photographer _______________________ The sign in the foreground says "Plants of Love" - but it seems they don't work, I guess she didn't love me and my cam! ;-D

Dressed up for the shooting

10 Apr 2016 55 67 1059
➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - Photographer A person who takes photographs - A self portrait with a camera, or someone else with a camera, or a group of people taking pictures. Can be also a silhouette, shadow or a detail shot (close up). New photos or archive, processed or unprocessed. _____________ A candid shot which I took last summer in the botanical garden of Augsburg! A lot of photographers there - so see an other one in PiP or NTSC! ;-D

26 items in total