Dida From Augsburg's photos with the keyword: Passau

International Women's Day on March 8

08 Mar 2017 18 12 924
➽ F**kin’ Perfect ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

B & W

24 Nov 2016 29 28 866
➽ Just the two of us ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬


29 Sep 2016 20 31 846
➽ Das Kristallschiff Donau (früher MS Donau) ist ein Schiff der Donau-Reederei Wurm + Köck. Sie ist das drittgrößte Schiff der Reederei und ist benannt nach dem Fluss Donau. Das Schiff wurde mit mehreren Millionen Steinen der Kristallmanufaktur Swarovski ausgeschmückt, allein der Lüster besteht aus 70.000 Kristallen (siehe auch PiPs). ______________________ ➽ The "Kristallschiff Donau" (Crystal ship Danube, formerly "MS Donau") is a ship of the Danube shipping company Wurm + Köck. It's the third largest ship of the company and is named after the river Danube. The ship was decorated with several million stones of crystal manufacturer Swarovski, already the chandelier is made of 70,000 crystals (see also PiPs). ➽ Kristallschiff ______________________ ➽ HFF and a glittering WE to all!


24 Sep 2016 27 27 1022
➽ Bossa (amtle: Passau) aa Bassa oda Bassau is a greisfreie Stod in Niedabayern an da Grenz noch Estareich, de wos am Zsommafluss vom Inn, da Uiz und da Doana ligt; zwengs dem wead Bossa aa oft Dreiflüssestod gnennt ( siecht ma do ganz guat! ). Mid fast 50.000 Einwohna is Bossa de zwoatgrässte Stod vo Niedabayern; z Bossa gibts aussadem de oanzige Univasität vo Niedabayern. ➽ Mehr Infos auf Wikipedia (Hochdeutsch ;-D) _______________________ ➽ Passau is a town in Lower Bavaria, Germany, near the border to Austria. It's also known as the "Dreiflüssestadt" (City of Three Rivers) because the Danube is joined at Passau by the Inn from the south and the Ilz from the north ( see here! ). With approximately 50,000 inhabitants Passau is the second largest town of the district of Lower Bavaria, also there is the only university of the administrative district. ➽ More information at Wikipedia (engl.) _______________________ ➽ The blue danube ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Dreiflüssestadt - City of Three Rivers

24 Sep 2016 8 10 709
➽ Bossa (amtle: Passau) aa Bassa oda Bassau is a greisfreie Stod in Niedabayern an da Grenz noch Estareich, de wos am Zsommafluss vom Inn, da Uiz und da Doana ligt; zwengs dem wead Bossa aa oft Dreiflüssestod gnennt. Mid fast 50.000 Einwohna is Bossa de zwoatgrässte Stod vo Niedabayern; z Bossa gibts aussadem de oanzige Univasität vo Niedabayern. ➽ Mehr Infos auf Wikipedia (Hochdeutsch ;-D) _______________________ ➽ Passau is a town in Lower Bavaria, Germany, near the border to Austria. It's also known as the "Dreiflüssestadt" (City of Three Rivers) because the Danube is joined at Passau by the Inn from the south and the Ilz from the north. With approximately 50,000 inhabitants Passau is the second largest town of the district of Lower Bavaria, also there is the only university of the administrative district. ➽ More information at Wikipedia (engl.)