Dida From Augsburg's photos with the keyword: Salzburg

Everybody needs somebody to L♡VE

25 Sep 2015 30 39 782
➽ Everybody needs somebody to Love ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ _______________ ➽ HFF and a great weekend to all!

Gerti kommt heim! - Gerti's coming home! (◕‿-)

18 Sep 2015 6 23 537
➽ Gerti??? _________________ Explanation to the vid: A flamingo looking his girlfriend Gerti and all helping! It's a compilation of commercials by the Austrian supermarket chain "Billa", which advertised a sticker scrapbook. The spots on YT were a Social Media Hit! _________________ Gull 1: "Hi everyone!" Gull 2: "Gerti, where have you been?? All have sought thee!" Gull 3:"Oh gosh, he's stupid, our Gerti isn't a Flamingo!" _________________ ➽ HFF and a funny weekend to all!

Salzburg, Austria - Getreidegasse / Grain Lane

10 Sep 2015 17 12 604
➽ Die Getreidegasse befindet sich in der Altstadt und ist Salzburgs wohl berühmteste, historische Gasse. Sie beherbergt, unter anderem, das Geburtshaus von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (PiP 1) . Die hohen schmalen Häuserreihen mit zahlreichen schmiedeeisernen Zunftzeichen über den alten Verkaufsläden vermitteln, samt den vielgestaltigen Durchgangshäusern und Innenhöfen, ein in sich geschlossenes Bild einer mittelalterlich geprägten Straße, die auch an Regentagen gut besucht ist (eigene Anmerkung)! (PiP 2, 3) Quelle: Wikipedia ______________ ➽ The Getreidegasse (Grain Lane) is located in the Old Town and it's the most famous historic street of Salzburg. It houses, among others, the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (PiP 1) . The tall, narrow rows of houses with numerous wrought iron guild signs over the old retail stores convey, together with the multifarious passage houses and courtyards, a self contained image of a medieval-themed street, which is well attended even on rainy days (own note)! (PiP 2, 3) Source: Wikipedia

Salzburg, Austria

09 Sep 2015 14 16 534
➽ Salzburg, Österreich ________________ ➽ Salzburg, Austria, engl.

Rock me Amadeus!

08 Sep 2015 15 19 661
➽ Rock me Amadeus! ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ______________ ➽ Seen in a Shop in Mozart's birthplace Salzburg, Austria (PiP)