Dida From Augsburg's photos with the keyword: München

Happy Mothers's Day

09 May 2021 18 7 405
➽ Ein Lied für Poly... and of course for all Moms ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Flaute - Lull

15 May 2020 43 34 379
➽ Flying on the ground is wrong ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ _____________________ ➽ Aufgenommen aus dem Bus während einer Airport-Tour am Flughafen Muenchen _____________________ ➽ Taken from the bus during an airport tour at Munich Airport _____________________ ➽ HFF and a great WE to all - stay safe!

Leaving on a Jet Plane

04 Oct 2019 28 31 477
➽ Leaving on a Jet Plane ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ _____________________ ➽ Aufgenommen aus dem Bus während einer Airport-Tour am Flughafen Muenchen _____________________ ➽ Taken from the bus during an airport tour at Munich Airport _____________________ ➽ HFF and a great WE to all!

Barbed Wire vs. Razor Wire

20 Sep 2019 23 9 268
➽ HFF and a great WE to all!

Razors Edge

20 Sep 2019 27 17 351
➽ Razors Edge ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ _________________________________ ➽ HFF and a great WE to all!

Dråht-Verhau - für BK (◕‿-)

20 Sep 2019 49 33 434
➽ HFF and a great WE to all!

Hey Alter, hast mal 50 ct? - Hey Dude, got some ch…

12 Jul 2019 32 38 461
➽ HFF and a funny WE to all! ______________________ ➽ Zoo Hellabrunn, Munich - Petting zoo ______________________ ➽ Ain't Too Proud to Beg ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Exotic Birds (see PiPs) (◕‿-)

29 Aug 2016 23 15 497
➽ NOT The Sunday Challenge - this weeks challenge, should you choose to accept it is BIRDS/BIRD - Living birds, not dead or ornaments. ____________________________ ➽ Zoo Hellabrunn, Munich - Kronenkranich / Crowned crane

Too shy

28 Aug 2016 36 35 636
➽ Too shy ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ________________________ ➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - this weeks challenge, should you choose to accept it is BIRDS/BIRD - Living birds, not dead or ornaments. ________________________ ➽ Zoo Hellabrunn, Munich - Flamingo (see also PiPs)

DeFence (◕‿-)

25 Aug 2016 17 18 427
➽ HFF and a great sunny WE to all!

Zimmerservice... - Room service...

24 Aug 2016 20 20 614
...manchmal gefällt's mir hier richtig gut!! (◕‿-) _________________ ...sometimes I really like it, to be here!! (◕‿-)

Vanity Fair

31 May 2015 33 40 570
➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - abstract in nature... DO NOT PROCESS to make your original shot abstract. ____________________ A peacock is abstract inherently (see also PiP's) and the photo is almost SOOC (a bit cropped), but I'm not sure if it fits to the theme - if not, I'll add another! - Based on the discussion in the group and Wendi's suggestion, I've now added the first of the notes!

Pfauenauge - Peacock's eye

Bird of Paradise

29 May 2015 17 14 422
➽ Bird of Paradise ♫♪♫♪♫♪

Seriously? (◕‿-)

06 Jan 2015 15 22 604
➽ Flughafen München Franz Josef Strauß ______________________________ ➽ Munich Airport Franz Josef Strauss

The Coke side of life!

04 Jan 2015 18 23 658
➽ The Coke side of life! ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ____________________ ➽ NOT The Sunday Challenge - vanishing point... that's a good and easy one..