Steve Paxton's photos with the keyword: Astro Fest

Trantula Nebula Astro Fest 2021 13th November

14 Nov 2021 12 6 258
this is the result of the photo's I took 5 min subs. Most could not believe that this came from the sky that they could see in front of them on the night. I though it was worth putting the photos together so you could see the result. QHY183C -10c 21 shot 5 min after dark till 10pm and they turned on the light's on the field. Prima Luce Essato Focus , Optolong LeNhance filter, Skywatcher Black DiamondED80 OTA Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro Guided PHD2, SGP Pixinsight, Ps.

Astro Fest 2021 November 13th

14 Nov 2021 2 4 220
We had our astro fest cut short by Covid 19 in March this year to invite only for the presentation for the photos award. we all that where going to be part of the live display had to book in and resister and was given a hat so they knew who was part of the festival and who was public. 3 pm -4 pm was cars on the oval as they set up there scopes for the night. The hands on display was canceled due to crowds but we where invited back on the 13 th of November to the hands on part of the didplay. At the Far right is Carlos Scope and mine covered over from the 33c Hot sunny day. We where only a few than did not have look and see telescopes but took photos. It was a long day waiting for the Sun to go down to start by that time most knew that we had to wait for the dark. I had a huge audience as did Carlos as we tried to line up south and then start the Camera to start the sequence. I had a huge audience watching me line up on the computer screen and told me as the numbers got lower and lower. I had told quite a few what I had to do and how it went down. the question came all night long from so many people that both of us almost lost our voices and was glad to see the light on the field turn on at 10pm. since just after 6 we where both swamped. I was lucky last min I packed my Ipad with photos of deep space on it so I was able to show the end photo i was going to get. I took my DSLR to do a night photo of the whole scene but could not get even 30 sec free to try and take a photo a lot of advice given out. I was set the target for the night the Tarantula nebula which I took 21 photos very low down in the city lights, atmospherics and also quite a bright moon. I crashed in bed at 11:30 pm