Steve Paxton's photos with the keyword: Nebula's

Large Magellanic Cloud

01 Apr 2021 13 6 266
This is a Test shot only. I am clouded in I had a hole in the clouds the LMC was low to the city lights. this will be done on the farm away from city lights and I can shoot the whole night long. You cant miss the Tarantula nebula top right. 11 shots 150mm ISO 200 clouds killed the rest of the night. I had to come up with a better way of using the Nikon lens so I could guide the shots as well. While I was away in Margaret River I did some thinking traveling in the bus. What you see is all the bits that was used on the very large S/S plate all brought together. My grandson and I put all the bits on the table a went from there below is the result of that build. there is nothing like this off the shelf to use with camera's you have to build your own.

Orion(M42) & Running Man(NGC1977) - well worth a l…

25 Oct 2020 14 14 396
This was a test to see how well the computer program worked on its own. I had to wait for Orion to rise at 11pm so I could start this 3 hours and a bit imaging and then the all important Darks. It was set up and go to bed set the alarm for 2:45 in the morning to put the lens cap on the lens for the Dark's then go back to bed. This had to happen before the sun started to rise at 4 am in the morning. When I got up at 6 am it was all on computer just as it was programed Looks like we have tamed a few of those dragons. Taken with D810 and 300mm D prime lens. This will be visited again out on the farm in the real dark. Enjoy the first night that Fully went to plan and computer lived up to what it was suppose to do. Cant wait for Orion to rise sooner to get more images. PIP the first look on the Star adventurer.

Cats Paw Nebula NGC 6334

08 Sep 2020 15 13 512
Taking from the computer what works and forgetting what does not work can I take a photo of the night sky on my own in the dark. At this stage I am waiting for my 120AH 12V battery so I can run the Laptop all night long. new moon next month I will be out on the farm. I only got 26 shots 5 min/Guided each 27th the house made it into the frame but very happy with the detail in the very small Nebula. From now On I will be adding the Astronomy number for each new deep space object So you can look it up as well if you wish. In the shot below you can just see the Cats Paw Nebula to the left in the Black part of the shot.

Orion Or POT

16 Feb 2019 9 8 612
We loose Orion very fast from our skies so this is next months target . This was shot first night out with the tracker but it sits over the city light plume. next month this is due east out of city lights so I want to try my 150-600 lens. Remember past the equator it is no longer Orion but the "Pot" as its up side down. 200mm lens. From top to bottom Orion Nebula Top Running Man Nebula Horse head nebula my personal fav. Flame nebula At the bottom. I hope I can get a still night no wind to bring these to life I am following Ko here. I only wish I lived in the northern hemisphere to set up the tracker properly.