Daniela Brocca's photos with the keyword: museum

Castello Normanno Svevo

01 Oct 2019 1 146
Il Castello normanno svevo di Bari è un’imponente fortezza risalente al XIII secolo, oggi adibito a sede museale. Ubicato ai margini del centro storico, nei pressi dell’area portuale e della Cattedrale, con la sua mole rappresenta uno dei più importanti e noti monumenti della città. Storicamente attribuito al re normanno Ruggero II, il Castello sorge nel 1131 su preesistenti strutture abitative bizantine e, dopo il duro intervento di Guglielmo I il Malo, viene recuperato da Federico II di Svevia tra il 1233 e il 1240. Nella seconda metà del XIII secolo, Carlo d’Angiò attua un programma di restauro mirato a rinforzare l’ala nord del Castello, al tempo lambita direttamente dal mare. Il nucleo normanno-svevo è a pianta trapezoidale, con una corte centrale e tre alte torri angolari fortemente bugnate. Superando la torre sudoccidentale, detta dei Minorenni per averne ospitato la sezione carceraria nel XIX secolo, si incontra l’ingresso originale, il portale federiciano che conduce nel cortile centrale. Qui oggi affacciano tre saloni ed una piccola cappella dalle forme classiche. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Castello Normanno Svevo in Bari is a massive 13th century fortress, which now houses a museum. Standing on the edge of the old town, near the port and the Cathedral, with its huge bulk it is one of the city’s most important and best known monuments. Historically attributed to the Norman King Roger II, the Castle was erected in 1131 above residential buildings from the Byzantine era, and after the destruction of the city by William the Bad it was rebuilt by Frederick II of Swabia between 1233 and 1240. In the second half of the 13C, Charles of Anjou ordered restoration works to reinforce the Castle’s northern wing, which at that time was actually on the sea. The Norman-Swabian core has a trapezoidal ground plan with a central courtyard and three tall towers at the corners, made from heavily rusticated stone. Beyond the south-western tower (known as the “Minorenni” or “Juveniles” tower after the prison section it housed in the 19th century) is the original entrance, the gateway from the time of Frederick II which leads into the central courtyard. Nowadays, this is overlooked by three saloons and a small chapel in classical style.

Giovanni Segantini -Ave Maria a trasbordo -1886

27 Jul 2019 5 643
Giovanni Segantini (15 January 1858 – 28 September 1899) was an Italian painter known for his large pastoral landscapes of the Alps. He was one of the most famous artists in Europe in the late 19th century,and his paintings were collected by major museums. In later life, he combined a Divisionist painting style with Symbolist images of nature. He was active in Switzerland during the last period of his life. The Segantini Museum will be closed until mid-December 2019 for renovation and extension works. An exhibition of the artist's works is on display at the Forum Paracelsus, St. Moritz Bad, and it is here that I visited it together with two other ladies of the group and our guide.

Paris -Louvre Museum- La Pyramide Inversée (The In…

Bern -Clouds on the Paul Klee Center

Ambiente-Strutturazione a parametri virtuali-Gabri…

09 Nov 2016 6 8 1384
SPC Minimalism October 2016

#22 Duomo di Milano dalla Sala Fontana del Museo d…

27 Mar 2015 9 23 821
Milan Cathedral view from the Sala Fontana of the Museo del '900. In the glass the reflection of the lamp that give the name to the museum room, together with some pictures of Lucio Fontana. here the room and the lamp.