Ronald Losure's photos with the keyword: Florida

Wood stork (juvenile)

04 Mar 2020 14 12 196
Mycteria americana. One of this bird's legs had been injured.

White ibis

White ibis

Tri-colored heron

04 Mar 2020 5 132
Egretta tricolor

Sandhill cranes

04 Mar 2020 4 140
Antigone canadensis

Pied-billed grebe

04 Mar 2020 3 164
Podilymbus podiceps


Northern mockingbird

04 Mar 2020 5 135
Mimus polyglottos

Celery Fields

04 Mar 2020 1 3 181
Regional stormwater facility, Sarasota, Florida

Great egret

Great egret

Great blue heron

Glossy ibises

04 Mar 2020 1 2 156
Plegadis falcinellus

Boat-tailed grackle

04 Mar 2020 97
Quiscalus major

Black ducks



19 items in total