Ern Jacoby's Guestbook

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John Cook Annemarie Heidiho Naturist Malik Raoulda Ern Jacoby Sami Serola (inactive) Ànn-Piaframie diedje Gabi Lombardo Xata Jaap van 't Veen

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Latest comments - All (15)
Du scheinst mir ein lustiger Zeitgenosse zu sein. Vor allem auch wegen den Badeschlappen, die viele deiner Bilder zieren. LG
4 years ago.
Heidiho club
Was seh ich denn hier ? - Stühle !
Na, da bin ich ja dabei !
Dankeschön für die Kontaktaufnahme.
Man sieht sich !
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Annemarie club
Wish you a serene Sunday evening.
4 years ago.
Annemarie club
thanks for your goodwishes

wish you also ALL the BEST!
4 years ago.
 John Cook
John Cook club
Hello Ern. Thank you for your message. I am pleased you met and liked my namesake, although Cook is a very common name in the UK. I have been to several African countries but never to Zaire. The other thing your friend and I have in common is that we are both in our 80's! Thank you for adding me as a contact and I look forward to seeing your images. With my best wishes, John.
2 weeks ago.

Want to write a little note as well?