Max Baris's Guestbook

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Max Baris Christine Valin Heide

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Latest comments - All (9)
 Christine Valin
Christine Valin
Congratulations Max! Hope the exhibitions goes off well for you. You must be thrilled. I'm looking forward to your next painting. Have a nice weekend.
14 years ago.
 Christine Valin
Christine Valin
A few lines to wish you and your family a Very Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year!
14 years ago.
Heide club
Hallo Max,
ein schönes Osterfest wünsche ich Dir,
freundliche Grüße aus der Kurpfalz - Heide
13 years ago.
 Christine Valin
Christine Valin
So many beautiful new paintings Max. Bravo! What patience!
13 years ago.
 Max Baris
Max Baris
merci bien mila
10 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?