Group: UrbEx / BurbEx (Urban & Suburban Exploration)

director's view - HFF!

greetings from the boiler house - 1

greetings from the boiler house - 2

"control center" - 2

under current - 12

it was a weir

the old workshop

chaos and a tank



demolition world

Belfast Mill

Maedows Battery

Meadows Battery

Maedows Battery

Lokschuppen 5/5

Lokschuppen 4/5

Lokschuppen 3/5

Lokschuppen 2/5

Lokschuppen 1/5

Adenauers Villa 2/2

Adenauers Villa 1/2

TSC abandoned

Portvale - old sugar mill

Portvale - old sugar mill

Harrismith Mansion

Lost Place 8/8