Group rules

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Here are the rules for Tree ( The beauty of Trees captured by photography )

Just a reminder:
The group is about Trees. If a tree/trees is not a major part of the subject do not post it. Eg A sunset is not a tree photo. A photo of a building is not a tree. Just because your photo has trees in the background does not make it a tree photo.

The subject is trees captured by photography, art work will be deleted. All photos must be good quality. Out of focus shots, low resolution ones and those that do not clearly show the subject will be deleted.

Any member posting other peoples photos will have their posts removed. If their gallery has stolen, found or borrowed work posted the member and their posts will be removed. This group is for photographers who own cameras. Not sad cheats.

All members are asked to be friendly and post a comment on a fellow members photo everytime they post their own work here. Those who post photos here yet never visit or take any interest in fellow members photos will have their work removed without warning.

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