Group: Outdoor Clocks

Church of Mercy.

Camogli , la via al porto

Glockenturm der Markuskirche in Bern

Lotsenstation Seemannshöft (PiP)

Justizforum - Grundbuchhalle (PiP)

Stadtteilschule Eppendorf (PiP)

St Mary's Tower

Ref. Kirche Diessenhofen

Mareggiata cittadina....riuscirà il mare a riprend…

King & Bathurst, Toronto, 2013

Church Street, 2016

Basilica of Mafra's Convent (18th century).

The Church of the Holy Cross - Uckfield - from the…

Il lampione, la palma e la Cattedrale

St Mary's Church Hailsham 13 4 2024 from W

Das Bahnhofsgebäude in Lausanne

Piacevole passeggiata di primavera a Camogli

Deux bancs en attente de fessiers / Two benches wa…

Trinity Church, 2014

Church of Holy Mary (Concathedral).

Bahnhof Baden

HIGH NOON in Brugg

Primarschulhaus Stapfer in Brugg

Church of Saint Martin of Tours (14th to 16th cent…