Group: FUN

My home is my castle said 'Sir Robin'... UdoSm

St. Nicholas ante portas... ©UdoSm

O&S ( meme) - oxymorons

O&S (meme) - fridge magnet

How nice, IP is back... ©UdoSm

Blossoms... ©UdoSm

Spahetti-Ragout... ©UdoSm

I wish healthy Halloween... ©UdoSm

Platz für zwei Schwebfliegen... ©UdoSm

Summer looks back... ©UdoSm

Farm 3 without headstand. Bauernhof 3 ohne Kopfsta…

Alles Gute hängt von Oben? ©UdoSm

Trick against trick... ©UdoSm

From a salamander perspective. ©UdoSm

Bruchlandung... ©UdoSm

Fly: "Please may I also...?" ©UdoSm

Let's dance Rock & Roll... ©UdoSm

Fleischfliege heute vegetarisch... ©UdoSm

Cosmea mit Besuch... ©UdoSm

Ladybug at Sunflower bud... ©UdoSm

Common greenbottle fly. (Lucilia sericata). ©UdoSm

The weaker one gives up... ©UdoSm

Da sitzt der Hase im Basilikum... ©UdoSm

Collage -Wasp on foot... ©UdoSm

Hortensie in X3D. ©UdoSm

Please do not shake... ©UdoSm

NOT my Wife And Me