Group: European Union

Eça de Queiroz Foundation.

Eça de Queiroz Foundation.

Cat's lunch.

Old plows.

Landscape over Douro valley.

Eça de Queiroz Foundation.

Eça de Queiroz Foundation.

Egas Moniz Fountain.

Bench with tiles.

Bench with tiles.

Bench with tiles.

Bench with tiles.

Bench with tiles.

Church of Saint Bartholomew of Campelo.

Monument to the fireman (2007).

Fountain at the Fire Brigade Roundabout.

Vila Real Cathedral.

Façade of Agricultural Credit.

Saint Peter Church.

Former house of Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso.

Saint Sebastian Chapel.

Tomb of Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso's mother.

Tomb of Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso.