Group: Cats of the World

Waiting for service...

Eine Straßenkatze namens Seraphim

Meet Bear

and...big tomcat, send me pls a cardboard box toda…

le chat mécano

Stroking a snow leopard, Pakistan

Don't Worry Be Happy

What part of "meow" did you not understand?

Der Gestiefelte Kater. Die weibliche Version.

Rencontre houleuse !!!

Notre Chaussette

Pandemic chalk: Halloween Cat Lady

By mealtime they are more than their mothers

"Tiger" im Karton

Cats love to dominate the environment

Restaurant pour chats errants / Homeless cats rest…

Homeless cats restaurant / Restaurant pour chats e…

dog watching

Femme avec chat

Strategic attitude

Lionesses in the tall grass

Ruhe in Frieden, süße kleine Gina!

Mach's gut, kleine süße Gina !