Group: Beautiful Landscape

Only contributions by Dimas Sequeira are shown | Display all contributions of the group

Portel Fluvial Beach.

Alqueva reservoir, River Guadiana.

Garden of the Thermal Complex.

Weir on River Tâmega.

Cascades of River Cabrão.

River Cabrão.

Panoramic view to northeast.

Landscape viewed from Farinha Mount.

Crastoeiro Castro.

Crastoeiro Castro.

Crastoeiro Castro.

A view to Farinha Mount.

A view to town and Farinha Mount.

A view to Farinha Mount, with the Shrine of Our La…

River Anços.

Downstream view to River Cávado.

Weir on River Ave.

River Sor and riverside park.

The view from Castle's Viewpoint.

São Bernardino Beach.

Beholding Frades Beach (Monks Beach).

Northern peninsula of Baleal.

The northern part of Baleal.

A view to Baleal peninsula.

Stones Beach.

Consolation Beach.

A view to west.