Group: *Italo-Byzantine Vacuity

Speed Reader

KR607477©IngoKrehl – A

Toronto, February 2016

hexagon IMG 0012

Beach blue rope… or is it green?



detail of the "Fontana della Sirena" - Scilla/Cala…

Monsieur Pinson

I Am Martin Parr

Messages don't disturb her

Dubble Bubble

402. - 24.02.2025 - Wattestäbchen

SALT (New Beginnings)

Shave Ice (H.A.N.W.E., HTT)

Presentation At Midnight

Descending Mavis - A Dream Book - 918

electric gear

...warmes Lüftchen

Security Camera

Outside Tap and J Cloth Lagging

'When the shit hits the fan'

Rapid Air Movement

HFF and a nice evening to all!

Le chef terrasse