Group: Samsung Camera Phones

On The Shelves.

Yester Year.

Mekamuta Night


I Scream For Icecream!

Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal

Coton Mill, Shropshire Union Canal

Good afternoon

Wasser auf der Ceran-Herdplatte

Coloured Water Pour.

Furadouro, Portugal

Evening Falls

Plane At Wellington Airport.

Alcochete, Portugal HBM

Gabelbissen (PiP)

Mum, Dad, And The Kids.

Honey Going Shopping?

durchgeleckt ...

Mogadouro, Portugal

Verwood tractor

Mercedes-Benz 350 SE (W116)

Bournemouth Beach and The Portal

Bournemouth Beach

Sea-side ride

The Portal

Bournemouth Pier