Group: Happy New Year

Season's Greetings to all my Photofriends

Irrlicht auf der Pyramide

HNY to you my friends! Heureuse année 2022 à vous…

Warm greetings from Bangkok

blanc / gap

Warm greetings from Bangkok

Liebe Grüße aus Bangkok

Happy New Year greetings from Bangkok

Liebe Grüße an alle Fotofreunde

Warm greetings to all my photo friends

Warm greetings to all members


Ein Gutes Neues Jahr 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Unsere lieben Grüße an alle Freunde im Forum

Best greetings from Thailand to our friends by Ipe…

Best greetings from Thailand to our friends by Ipe…

Unsere lieben Grüße an alle Freunde im Forum

At China Town in Bangkok

Chinese New Year January 2009 in Bangkok

Dragon costume at the Chinese New Year January 200…

Chinese New Year in Bangkok Jan. 2009

To all my friends and relatives from IPERNITY

Bangkok, Chinese New Year 2007

New Years Eve - Fireworks

New Years Eve - Fireworks

*Happy 2008*