Group: 101% fleur (flowers)

Waiting for summer to come back :-(

For Andy: if we could send flowers ...


Des pavots par milliers


Flora (PiP-2/2)

Flores a la Virgen de Unbe (PiP-3/3)

bon weekend ..............bizzzzzzzzzz

Bouquet of gentian in green grain

Cat's eye view

Iris mouillé

Chrysanthème de Mykonos (Coleostephus myconis)

Le coquelicot et l'abeille

un ♥ de pivoine

La Bambouseraie

stormy days

Like a brush painting.

Dame's Rocket (Hesperis matronalis)

bee feast

Matin divin...

Goblet of Light


Tulipa agenensis DC.

Buisson bleu*****************