Group:  Food  Essen  Jamar  Comida  Manger  Mangiare 

Zweites Frühstück

nicht denken.....

guten Appetit

BYOB: March 2011

4 1673

Dagelijkse broden op de timer

2 733

Bladerdeegbakje (met kip-champignonragout)

4 1284

Charming Thai girls like Kuai-Tiao Ruea as well

My friends eating Kuai-Tiao Ruea


Thai vendor woman selling Mangos มะม่วง

Thai vendor woman selling Mangos มะม่วง

Doufu vendor


Market in Xiding

Happy third anniversary bread baking babes

Hitting the sack

Pain de metiel

Rye buns

Pico Margherita: el ruĝaj tomatoj, blanka mocarela…

No translation needed

Maeklong market

Fruit stall and passing customers

Buzz of activity at the Talad Rom Hoop market keep…


More picture of the busy market

Walking on the rail through the market

The market in Xayaboury


Different sorts of rice sold at the market


Different sorts of chili sold at the market