Group: Duck, Duck, Goose

Happily Swimming.

In Lake Moananui.

At Lake Rotorua

Gazing at Something.

Two Ducks and two Coot.

Lake Rotorua Wildlife.

coincoin noir et blanc - HFF to All

Five Coots and a Duck.

Lake Whakamaru Wild Fowl.

BESANCON: Une canne Colvert (Anas platyrhynchos).

BESANCON: Un Harles Bièvre (Mergus merganser).02

BESANCON: Un Harles Bièvre (Mergus merganser).01


Gaggle of Geese.

Birds On the Lake

Ripples & reflections ..

Alors.... tu arrives...!

Natural Halloween...!

Coincoin de Barbarie (3)


Talking duck

da war es nur noch 1
