Group: 200-300 Views

Merceds-Benz 200D 1979.

Painted ceiling - no relief.

River Tagus.

River Tâmega and road bridge.

Hollows in the rock.

Pouter pigeon (Columba livia).

Desagravo Convent (18th century).

Crato Museum.

Roman Art Museum.

Bell on top of Pisa leaning tower.

Roman ruins.

Chapel of Our Lady of Lapa.

Brolhas Manor-house (1771).

Whale, by Vasco Maio.

Portuguese village (4).

Tiles panel.

Alagoa Islet and the northeastern coast.

Beholding River Yori.

Watching wild life on TV.

Portela Viewpoint.

Eça de Queiroz Foundation.

Downstream view to River Tâmega and pedestrian bri…

Street art on electricity box.

Old public laundry.

Snow...... Shooting

A view to Baleal peninsula.