Group: Obiettivo & Fotocamera

Budding Magnolia

Bon Mercredi.

two bottles full of sun

"Sunrise Panorama"

Arrangement On A Shelf,

Black -eyed Susan (Rudbeckia Goldsturm)

a colorful street corner

Carpobrotus edulis

Sun And Shade.


East Coast Sunrise

Duster And Spray Bottle Tops In A Jar

Spring 2021

Have a great weekend everyone, stay safe....

HFF & FUNNY WE to all!!

HFF - Viseu

Golden Barrel Cactus Echinocactus grusonii

Red-tailed Hawk NYBG

Spring is here . . .

Onobrychis humilis, Fabales, Penedos

Ornithopus compressus, Fabaceae , serradela-amarel…

Across The Lake.

a glimmer of light


Vicia lutea, Fabaceae