Group: Fleurs et plantes du monde

Schönen Freitag wünsch ich euch !

Meteo services promise a hot weekend


Türkenbund-Lilie (2 PiPs)


At Rangiura Rest Home

Wassersalat und Seerose - Water cabbage and water…

Blutrote Sommerwurz - (Orobanche gracilis)


Rose With Raindrops..

Thryptomene saxicola pink

Agapanthus Buds

Of course, it's right here, today

Eremophila nivea


Because the garden by late August is a bit bald, M…

The joy of simplicity

Schönen Sonntag !

Geflecktes Knabenkraut 1 (1 PiP) night we see the things differently...

240821 Montreux fleur

Schwarze Teufelskralle - (Phyteuma nigrum),

Boronia Monarto Conservation Park South Australia