Group: Religious buildings, churches, cathedrals, etc.

Dubrovnik : le chiese , le case di pietra e i tett…

Italy, Assisi, Dome and Bell Tower of the Cathedra…

Vår Frue kirke

Holy Trinity, Bledlow

St Mary's Church, Frinton

Italy, Assisi, Basilica di Santa Chiara Bell Tower

St-Paul Anglican church (Protestantes)

St. Faith's Church

The Old Chapel, Shiplake

St Andrew's Church, Sonning


Portal der Iglesia Divino Salvador

Reformierte Kirche Le Locle

Iglesia de San Pedro

Freiburger Münster

Kapelle ... HFF


Binfield Heath Chapel, Berkshire

2/50 "Michel"

1/50 - "Michel"

Can you see who is driving the car?

Splendeur religieuse / Religious splendor

Catedral Inmaculada Concepción de María / Cathédra…

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de l'Assomption / Catedral I…