Group: PiP ★ Picture in Picture

Only contributions by Xata are shown | Display all contributions of the group

Ayamonte, Shopping

Penedos, Hiking !

Monte Gordo beach

Blue rope, another POV !

Monte Gordo beach

Sweet JP

With Almond tree blooms, HFF IS NOW CLOSED, SEE YO…

Cistus Ladanifer, Penedos

Asphodelus ramosus, Penedos

Penedos, soon to be harvested !

Physalia physalis, caravela portuguesa

Aveiro, Estação, Train station, HBM

Penedos, the tree !

Crassula ovata, Penedos

Ninfa in my bed

Monte Gordo, Amolador, Knive sharpener...

Not a donut !

S on the beach with Star !

Could still be used... but now an over 100 years o…

Mértola, Cinema Paradiso...

Penedos, First pasture after dry season

Penedos, After the rain pasture grows quickly

Echinopsis tubiflora

Malpolon monspessulanus, Penedos

Mouse, Melin

Pousada do Palácio de Estói, HBM

Nerium oleander, Moinho do Alferes, Ribeira do Vas…