Group: Two (or more) of a Kind (Animals Only)

Tiens voici un sous marin !

Widder / Schafbock. ©UdoSm

Giraffe portrait

On the nature strip

Les moutons du parc (1)

More pelicans

Maspalomas. Strandkünstler - SpongeBob... ©UdoSm

Under observation

Sainte Gemmes sur Loire

Christmas nativity scene at 3-King's Day. 06-01 ©U…

Pas très sociable

Happy New Year 2023 with Lucky Clover. ©UdoSm

Les vaches du parc

Pucerons du laurier (aphis nerii)


Weihnachtskrippe. Nativity scene. ©UdoSm

Blackbirds... ©UdoSm

My home is my castle said 'Sir Robin'... ©UdoSm

Meeting under a Christmas Cactus... ©UdoSm

Wasp: "And I'll catch you nevertheless, you stupi…