Group: Birds of a feather

Gullwich Mean Time

EOS 90D Peter Harriman 12 03 59 26506 beardedReedl…

Vol de héron

Chickadee-handout-DSC 1088a

Black-Headed Gull Landing on a Mast

Herring Gull in Flight

Black-Headed Gull in Flight

Black-Headed Gull Landing on a Wreck

Das Rotkelchen beim Fotoshooting :)) The robin at…

Tourterelle turque,- Eurasian Collared Dove (Strep…

004 von 365

Black-Headed Gulls

Black-Headed Gull in Flight

Jackdaw perched on a Bollard

Mésange nonnette

Goldies are greening up; snowbirds not

Oies bernache

Ist da was runter gefallen?