Group: Gulls (Larinae)

Matata gull in flight

Swallow dive?

IMG 4464 gull dpp

He's lovin' it.

IMG 5109 WingPrayer dpp

IMG 5818 Gull dpp

IMG 3035 Gull dpp

IMG 8569 MuggingTheOneWithTheBread dpp

IMG 1976 LA dpp

IMG 1948 LA dpp

Le Goeland ♫♪

Marsch durch's Watt

Gulls Resting.

IMG 8180 dpp

IMG 9158 dpp

IMG 9256 dpp

IMG 0069 dpp

IMG 0924 dpp

Cold feet...............

Gull in black and white

die Sonne wärmt

Off to seek new shores!